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Title: | 企業風險管理之研究——以M貿易公司為例 A Study on Risk Management of the M Trading Company 指導教授 : 譚丹琪 博士 研究生 : 蔡承佑 撰 中華 |
Authors: | 蔡承佑 Tsai, Cheng-Yu |
Contributors: | 譚丹琪 Tan, Dan-Chi 蔡承佑 Tsai, Cheng-Yu |
Keywords: | 公司營運的不確定性 國際貿易風險 公司競爭優勢 Uncertainty in company operations International trade risks Company competitive advantages |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-07-01 12:44:34 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究是一份關於企業風險管理、國際貿易風險,以及巴拉圭市場的綜合分析,特別聚焦於一家名為M公司的巴拉圭貿易商。首先探討了風險的定義、分類,以及在企業管理中的重要性,特別強調了風險與不確定性的差異。接著,報告詳細分析了國際貿易風險的三個主要類別:整體環境的不確定性、產業的不確定性,以及公司特定變數的不確定性。這些不確定性包括政治、經濟、社會、自然災害等外部因素,以及供應鏈、技術創新、競爭對手行為等產業內部因素。
本研究的發現提供了一個風險管理框架,並透過M公司的個案研究,展示如何在巴拉圭市場高度不確定的國際貿易環境中,透過不同的策略來應對和管理風險。 This study comprehensively analyzes enterprise risk management, international trade risks, and the Paraguayan market, focusing on M Company, a Paraguayan trading company. It discusses the definition, classification, and importance of business risks, distinguishing between risk and uncertainty. The report then details three categories of international trade risks: environmental, industry-specific, and company-specific uncertainties encompassing political, economic, social, and natural factors, alongside industry dynamics like supply chains, technology, and competition.
Financial and strategic risk management concepts are explored, along with risk management strategies like avoidance, control, cooperation, imitation, and flexibility. M Company's practices such as industry diversification, multi-skilled talent training, and product line transformations are highlighted. The study also examines the global economic and operational impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly on multinational corporations.
The latter part focuses on Paraguay's market analysis including geography, demographics, economy, politics, and trade relations. Through the case of M Company, the study offers a risk management framework and illustrates strategies for navigating uncertainties in Paraguay's dynamic international trade landscape. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營與貿易學系 111351053 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111351053 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營與貿易學系 ] 學位論文
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