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    Title: 新冠肺炎期間房市變化之分析
    The Analysis of Changes in Real Estate Market during the COVID-19 pandemic
    Authors: 蘇湲庭
    Su, Yuan-Ting
    Contributors: 陳明吉
    Chen, Ming-Chi
    Su, Yuan-Ting
    Keywords: 新冠肺炎
    Media coverage
    Government response
    Real estate market
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:39:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2020年初以來,新冠肺炎疫情肆虐全球,對全球經濟帶來衝擊,對世界各地的房地產市場也造成影響。本研究探討台灣在疫情期間,疫情、恐慌、媒體、政府疫情因應與房市調控,以Google Trends關鍵詞建構恐慌指數、牛津疫情政府回應指數衡量政府的疫情因應程度、RavenPack Coronavirus Data衡量疫情報導,分析疫情對房市價量變化的影響。將疫情前一年也納入變數範圍,樣本期間為2019年1月至2023年12月,並依本土疫情嚴重程度將樣本期間細分為疫情全期、潛伏期、爆發期、緩和期,分析不同階段房屋價與量的變化。


    Since early 2020, the world has suffered from the pandemic “COVID-19”, which has influenced the economy and the real estate markets globally. Thus, this study investigates the impact of various factors on housing prices and transaction volumes in Taiwan during the COVID-19 pandemic. The examined factors include severity of the epidemic, panic, media coverage, government responses to the pandemic, and government control policies on housing markets. This study uses Google Trends Search Volume Index to construct panic indices, the Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) to measure government's responses, and RavenPack Coronavirus Monitor Data to measure media reports. The sample period includes both the pandemic year and the preceding year (from January 2019 to December 2023), divided into the preceding, the whole, the latency, the outbreak, and the decline stage according to the severity of the epidemic.

    The empirical results show that the number of confirmed cases has a negative impact on housing prices, but a positive impact on transaction volumes. General consumer panic has a significant negative impact on housing prices during the latency stage. Real estate consumer panic has a significant negative impact on transaction volumes. Media-related indices have a significant positive impact on housing prices. Government containment and health index has a significant impact on both housing prices and transaction volumes during the whole stage, but has a significant positive impact on housing prices during the ourbreak stage. Government economic support index has a significant positive impact on housing prices. Government’s housing market control policies have a significant negative impact on both housing prices and transaction volumes.

    This study aims to provide a reference for similar events in the future. The government can strike a balance between economic support and regulatory policies. The central bank can assess whether housing market control policies can effectively curb speculative activities in the real estate market. Property developers can provide housing products which align with market demand. Investors and homebuyers can avoid panic and make rational decisions. Overall, the goal is to stabilize Taiwan’s real estate market based on past experiences.
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