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Title: | 心性量子領導與文化:理論建構與評鑑工具發展,及其與相關變項之關係 Magnificent Quantum Leadership and Culture: Theoretical Construction, Development of Measurement Tools, and Their Relationship with Relevant Variables |
Authors: | 魏晴秋 Wei, Ching-Chiu |
Contributors: | 張裕隆 Chang, Yue-Loong 魏晴秋 Wei, Ching-Chiu |
Keywords: | 心性量子領導 心性量子文化 WICS領導技能 企業社會責任 心理資本 身心健康 工作生活品質 組織幸福感 組織競爭力 組織績效 每股稅後盈餘 EPS Magnificent Quantum Leadership Magnificent Quantum Culture WICS leaders' skills corporate social responsibility psychological capital mental and physical health quality of work life organizational well-being organizational competitiveness organizational performance earning per share EPS |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-07-01 12:31:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 自從2020年COVID-19全球疫情,及2022地緣政治爆發至今,企業領導者都必須面對這高度不確定性的量子新科學時代來臨。量子理論的提出與震撼,使得社會科學研究者不得不加以關注。然而,在量子新科學正在起步的階段,仍相當缺乏關於量子理論、領導力、組織文化與發展等跨領域結合的相關研究。這正是本研究欲進行的主要目的。
另外,在研究設計上,為探討樣本不同蒐集方式是否會導致不同結果,本研究樣本蒐集採紙本(預試樣本A共371份及正式施測樣本B 共695份)及網路問卷(組織層次47家公司及個體層次226份樣本)兩種方式,且網路問卷採間隔時間2週分兩階段回收;至於網路回收樣本,則分別進行組織層次及個體層次的研究分析。本研究綜合研究一、二、三之結果顯示,大致符合理論假設預期。總而言之,本研究之具體貢獻為「理論創新與整合」以及「實務應用與發展」,並提供三項「企業競爭力模式」,或可做為組織領導者因應量子新科學時代下,據以診斷、改善等管理戰略的重要參考。 Since the global COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and the geopolitical outbreak in 2022, business leaders have had to confront the advent of this highly uncertain era of quantum new science. The emergence and impact of quantum theory have compelled social science researchers to pay attention. However, in the infancy of new quantum science, there is still a lack of relevant research on the cross-disciplinary integration of quantum theory, leadership, organizational culture and development. This is the main purpose of this study.
In view of this, based on the theory of organizational development, leadership and culture and the new scientific theory of quantum, this study starts from the perspective of "magnificent", "quantum", "leadership" and "culture" through literature review, and first constructs, develops and validates the theories and measurement tools of "Magnificent Quantum Leadership, MQL" and "Magnificent Quantum Culture, MQC", as well as their impact on psychological capital, mental and physical health, and the impact of the quality of work life, as a new paradigm for leaders to lead organizations to the challenges of the new era of quantum science (Study 1). Secondly, this study explores the impact of MQL and WICS leaders’ skills on corporate social responsibility, MQC, organizational well-being, organizational competitiveness, performance, and EPS variables, and establishes an integration model of corporate competitiveness (Study 2). In addition, in order to make this study more valuable for academic research and practical application, the mediating effect of MQC on MQL and organizational competitiveness, performance, and EPS was verified, and the two-stage moderated mediation effect of mental and physical health on organizational competitiveness, performance, and EPS was verified respectively (Study 3).
Furthermore, in terms of study design, in order to explore whether different sample collection methods will lead to different results, the sample collection in this study was based on paper (371 samples of pre-test sample A and 695 samples of formal test sample B) and online questionnaires (47 companies at the organizational and 226 individual level
samples), and the online questionnaires were collected in two stages at an interval of 2 weeks. The results of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd studies of this study show that they are generally in line with the theoretical assumptions. All in all, the specific contributions of this study are "theoretical innovation and integration" and "practical application and development", and provide three "enterprise competitiveness models", which may serve as an important reference for organizational leaders to diagnose and improve management strategies, in response to the new era of quantum science. |
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