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    Title: 馬來西亞電動汽車產業發展之研究
    A Study of Malaysia Electric Vehicle Industry Development
    Authors: 吳宇謙
    Contributors: 孫采薇
    Sun, Tsai-Wei
    Keywords: 馬來西亞汽車產業
    Malaysian automobile industry
    Automobile industry policy
    Industrial intervention
    Vehicle electrification
    Global value chain
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:28:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 綜觀世界各國汽車產業皆有政策干預的存在,然而干預的項目、強弱、範圍卻有所差異。馬國長期以政策干預汽車工業,然而 1990 年代前後,自由貿易協定、亞洲金融風暴使國家汽車公司受到嚴重衝擊,在面臨產業危機及國際興起電動汽車商機之際,馬國開開始調整汽車相關政策,希望藉由電動化促使汽車工業升級。本文以價值鏈的角度,探討車輛電動化前後馬來西亞汽車干預政策是否產生轉變,國家對於全球汽車價值鏈移轉所產生的電動化趨勢又做出什麼樣回應。本文發現,國家在其中仍扮演主動的角色,馬來西亞維持自主發展的策略不變,但是汽車干預政策由全面性的干預轉為選擇性的干預,在干預手段的運用上具有更大的彈性,干預政策變化的主因是國際透過全球價值鏈影響的結果,最終目的是為了提升馬來西亞汽車價值鏈,並確保政府及本地資本持續從汽車產業獲益的發展價值。
    Looking at the automobile industry in various countries around the world, policy interven-tion exists, but the items, strength, and scope of intervention vary. Malaysia has long inter-vened in the automobile industry with policies. However, around the 1990s, the free trade agreement and the Asian financial turmoil severely impacted the country's automobile compa-nies. Facing an industrial crisis and the emergence of electric vehicle business opportunities internationally, Malaysia began to adjust automobile-related policies, hoping that Promote the upgrading of the automobile industry through electrification. From the perspective of the val-ue chain, this article explores whether Malaysia's automobile intervention policy has changed before and after vehicle electrification, and what kind of response the country has to the elec-trification trend generated by the shift of the global automobile value chain. This article finds that the state still plays an active role in it, and Malaysia’s strategy of maintaining independ-ent development remains unchanged. However, the automobile intervention policy has changed from comprehensive intervention to selective intervention, and it has greater flexibil-ity in the use of intervention methods. Intervention The main reason for the policy change is the result of international influence through the global value chain. The ultimate goal is to en-hance the Malaysian automobile value chain and ensure that the government and local capital continue to benefit from the development value of the automobile industry.
    Reference: 一.中文


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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111260008
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    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of East Asia Studies] Theses

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