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    題名: 墨西哥女權運動及抗議歌曲之探討
    Exploring the Power of Protest Music in Feminist Movements Against Femicide in Mexico
    作者: 黛安娜
    Garcia, Diana Laura Galindo
    貢獻者: 李栢浡
    Lee, Pai Po
    Garcia, Diana Laura Galindo
    關鍵詞: 女性殺害
    Protest Music
    Feminist Movement
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-07-01 12:27:01 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究探討女性主義抗議音樂對於解決墨西哥的性別暴力和降低女性命案的影響,主要著重在以下三個概念:女性殺害、抗議音樂和女性主義運動。通過檢視歷史和當代背景,本研究探討性別動力和超男性主義是如何受到論述的影響,並提出女性主義抗議音樂作為替代超男性敘事的方案。將使用案例研究之方法,分析《無懼之歌》和《在你路上的強姦犯》等歌曲,評估其在提高意識和改變心態,去促進性別平等方面的有效性。此外,通過對8位性別暴力和激進主義領域專家的訪談,提供進一步的見解。
    This study investigates the impact of feminist protest music on addressing gender-based violence in Mexico and reducing femicide rates. By examining both historical and contemporary contexts, the research explores how gender dynamics and hypermasculinity are influenced by discourse, proposing feminist protest music as an alternative to hypermasculine narratives. Using a case study method, it analyzes songs like "Song Without Fear" and "A Rapist in Your Path" to assess their effectiveness in raising awareness and changing mindsets to promote gender equality. Additionally, interviews with 8 experts in gender-based violence and activism provide further insights.
    Findings reveal that feminist protest music is perceived as a potent tool in educational settings, useful for preventing gender-based violence against women and influencing legal and political frameworks. It promotes gender equality and challenges hypermasculine cultural patterns. The study identifies gender-based violence as a structural issue requiring comprehensive research in political, religious, familial, and cultural interventions. It highlights the historical contributions of the feminist movement in Mexico and addresses the challenges of excluding men from feminist discourse, recognizing them not only as perpetrators of violence but also as potential agents of change. The research recommends developing inclusive educational tools to engage men in combating hypermasculine behaviors from a young age, thereby enhancing the effectiveness of feminist initiatives and challenging traditional feminist values in Mexico that tend to be exclusive to women.
    參考文獻: References
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