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Title: | 虛擬實境中的圖像真實度對英語學習者的影響之研究 Exploring Impacts of Graphical Realism in Immersive Virtual Reality Platforms on EFL Learners |
Authors: | 劉庭立 Liou, Ting-Li |
Contributors: | 林日璇 Lin, Jih-Hsuan 劉庭立 Liou, Ting-Li |
Keywords: | 圖像真實度 英語學習 空間臨場感 投入度 虛擬實境 Graphical realism English learning Spatial presence Engagement Virtual reality |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-07-01 12:26:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討虛擬實境中的圖像真實度對英語學習者在空間臨場感 (spatial presence)以及學習投入(engagement)上的影響,以及虛擬實境對英語口說 帶來的學習成效。 本研究以 60 名台灣國中生為實驗對象,並將其分為兩組,各自進行以 Mondly VR 和 ImmerseMe 兩款具有不同圖像真實度的虛擬實境遊戲為主的實驗設計。除 了分析參與者在這兩款遊戲中的空間臨場感以及投入度以外,此研究也採用具有 較豐富故事情節與清晰畫面的 Mondly VR 作為學習媒介,探討個體在多次使用 虛擬實境學習英語口說之後的進度程度。 研究結果發現,參與者在具有較低圖像真實度的遊戲中展現出較高的空間臨 場感,學習的投入程度則幾乎相同。另外,研究也發現空間臨場感以及投入度之 間擁有正相關性。最後,在利用虛擬實境進行反覆的英語口說訓練之後,學生在 發音、流暢度和連貫性上都獲得了顯著的進步。 本研究的結果提供了關於開發虛擬實境作為語言學習媒介的重要見解,有助 於幫助英語學習者找到更有效的學習方式。此外,因應 2030 年雙語政策致力於 改善數位學習工具,這項研究成果也提供對此計畫具有價值的貢獻。 This study aims to examine the impact of graphical realism on language learning VR games, focusing on investigating EFL learners’ perception of spatial presence and learning engagement while practicing English speaking with virtual characters. Sixty junior high school students in Taiwan were recruited and divided into two groups. The groups were assigned two highly discussed VR games that have different levels of graphical realism, Mondly VR and ImmerseMe, respectively. The study also selected Mondly VR, which features more substantial storylines and better image resolution, to test the participants’ speaking learning outcomes after repeated VR exposure. The results reveal a higher sense of spatial presence in the VR game that has lower graphical realism. The engagement values were almost the same, and there was a positive correlation between spatial presence and engagement. Finally, the participants showed great progress in pronunciation, fluency, and coherence after the multiple VR training sessions. The research findings provide crucial insights into the development of VR language learning tools to help EFL students learn English more efficiently. The contribution is also valuable to Taiwan's Bilingual 2030 Policy as it helps improve digital learning tools, which is one of the key objectives of the policy. |
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