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    Title: 瓜地馬拉市的本地食品零售商
    AltiPlaza: Local Food Retailer in Guatemala City
    Authors: 何厚德
    Rivera Pineda, Jose Eduardo
    Contributors: 尚孝純
    Shari Shang
    Rivera Pineda, Jose Eduardo
    Keywords: 瓜地馬拉
    Market Access
    Food Industry
    Local Products
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:16:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前,瓜地馬拉市的消費者無法獲得來自鄉村地區的某些當地食品產品。這些產品由資源有限的微型、小型和中型企業銷售,難以進入城市市場。消費者如果想購買這些產品,必須前往特定地點,找到替代品,或放棄消費。


    Currently, consumers in Guatemala City are not able to access certain local food products from rural areas. These products are sold by micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with limited resources to reach the urban marketplace. Consumers who intend to purchase these products must travel to a specific location, find substitutes, or forego consumption.

    Traditional retailers have overlooked local food products from rural areas due to multiple factors such as low sales volume compared to other FMCG products and limited investment capabilities of their producers. Instead, traditional retailers focus on larger brands and imported products. Existing retailers in the city that offer these products target a broad segment but lack a curated portfolio. Others are not-for-profit initiatives with limited reach.

    This thesis presents a Business Plan for AltiPlaza, a local food retailer to be established in Guatemala City. AltiPlaza aims to offer a diverse selection of local food products directly sourced from small and medium-sized producers located in the Highlands Region of Guatemala, serving as the intermediary between urban consumers and rural producers through a physical and online store. The objective of this project is to improve the market access of communities in low-income and high-unemployment areas by connecting them to a larger and more profitable consumer base, increasing their chances of improving their livelihood.
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