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    Title: 職家衝突與生活滿意度之關係研究:認同確定性的調節效果
    A Study on the Relationship between Work-Family Conflict and Life Satisfaction: The Moderating Effect of Identity Firmness
    Authors: 黃登
    Huang, Deng
    Contributors: 傅如馨
    Fu, Trista-Juhsin
    Huang, Deng
    Keywords: 職家衝突
    Work-family conflict
    Life satisfaction
    Identity firmness
    Relational identity firmness
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:14:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究探討認同確定性在職家衝突與生活滿意度間之調節效果。首先探討 職家衝突中「工作-家庭衝突」、「家庭-工作衝突」個別與生活滿意度之關聯 性。近一􏰂探究認同確定性的個人、社會、關係三面向分別對於職家衝突與生 活滿意度間產生的調節效果。
    研究對象為 18 歲以上且每週常態性工時大於等於 40 小時之成人,以便利 抽樣法,透過網路表單進行資料收集,共回收 408 份問卷。研究工具採用「職 家衝突量表」、「認同確定性量表」、「生活滿意度量表」。使用皮爾森基差 相關分析檢驗職家衝突中「工作-家庭衝突」、「家庭-工作衝突」個別與生活 滿意度間的相關性,並透過階層回歸的方式檢驗自我認同的個人、社會、關係 三面向對於職家衝突與生活滿意度間產生的調節效果,研究結果如下: 一、職家衝突與生活滿意度呈現顯著負相關。 二、認同確定性中的「關係」可以調節工作-家庭衝突與生活滿意度之間的負相 關。
    This study investigates the moderating effect of identity firmness on the relationship between work-family conflict and life satisfaction. It begins by examining the relationship between work-family conflict (WFC), family-work conflict (FWC), and life satisfaction. It then explores the moderating effects of the three dimensions of identity firmness: personal, social, and relational, on the relationship between WFC and FWC and life satisfaction.
    The participants were adults aged 18 and over who worked at least 40 hours per week on a regular basis. A total of 408 questionnaires were collected using a convenience sampling method and an online questionnaire. The research instruments used were the Work-Family Conflict Scale, the Identity Firmness Scale, and the Life Satisfaction Scale. Pearson's correlation analysis was used to test the correlation between WFC, FWC, and life satisfaction. Hierarchical regression was used to test the moderating effects of the three dimensions of identity firmness on the relationship between WFC and FWC and life satisfaction. The results of the study are as follows: 1.WFC and life satisfaction were significantly negatively correlated.
    2.The " relational " dimension of identity firmness can moderate the negative correlation between WFC and life satisfaction.
    This study confirms the negative correlation between work-family conflict and life satisfaction, and explores the moderating effect of identity firmness. It provides specific guidelines for practitioners to support clients in finding a balance in multiple roles more holistically.
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