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    Title: 組織認同對留營意願之影響-以空軍儀隊為例
    The Effect of Organizational Identity on the Intention to Stay in the Military : An Example from the R.O.C Air Force Honor Guard.
    Authors: 張宇淳
    張宇淳Chang, Yu-Chuen
    Contributors: 董祥開
    Dong, Hsiang-Kai
    張宇淳Chang, Yu-Chuen
    Keywords: 兵役制度
    Military Service Systems
    Organizational Identification
    Willingness to Stay
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-07-01 12:10:42 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究聚焦探討空軍儀隊成員的組織認同及其對留營意願的影響,從兵役制度(徵兵制與募兵制)的差異角度來考量。研究目的在於理解不同入伍背景下,組織認同感如何形成,以及這種認同感如何影響個體的工作決策和留營意願。
    This study focuses on discussing the organizational identification of the Air Force Honor Guard members and its impact on their willingness to remain in service, considering the differences between conscription and voluntary enlistment systems. The aim is to understand how organizational identification is formed under different enlistment backgrounds and how this identification influences individuals' work decisions and willingness to stay.

    Through literature review, this paper defines the basic framework of organizational identification and further explores how military service systems shape soldiers' organizational identification. Data were collected from Honor Guard members enlisted under different systems using both quantitative and qualitative analysis methods, including surveys and in-depth interviews, to conduct a systematic study of Air Force Honor Guard members.

    The results show that members under conscription exhibit a higher level of organizational identification, which is associated with their view of military service as fulfilling a national duty. This top-down sense of identification strengthens their loyalty to the organization and enhances their willingness to remain in service. In contrast, members enlisted under the voluntary system generally show lower levels of organizational identification, possibly because they view the military as a career choice, making their willingness to stay more influenced by personal career development and external opportunities, and their sense of organizational identification is not as strong as that of conscripted members.

    The study finds a positive correlation between organizational identification and willingness to remain, supporting the hypothesis. Members of the Honor Guard with higher organizational identification are not only more willing to stay but also show higher team spirit and job satisfaction within the organization. These findings highlight that strengthening organizational identification is an effective way to enhance willingness to remain.

    Based on these findings, policy recommendations are provided for leadership levels to promote the willingness to stay and enhance organizational identification among the Honor Guard members.
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