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    Title: 張國榮的明星形象建構與再建構初探
    Exploring the Construction and Reconstruction of Leslie Cheung's star Image
    Authors: 賴玟憓
    Lai, Min-Hui
    Contributors: 黃葳威
    Huang, Wei-Wei
    Lai, Min-Hui
    Keywords: 明星形象
    celebrity image
    construction and reconstruction
    media discourse
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:53:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 2010年8月,美國CNN電視台為紀念其全新藝術文化節目《Icon》的開播,,舉辦「過去五十年聞名全球的五大指標音樂人」網路票選活動,最終在十萬多名網友的票選下,張國榮獲得第三名的殊榮,而在榜單中的另外四位音樂人分別是The Beatles、Michael Jackson、Elvis Presley和Bob Marley。除了The Beatles中的兩名成員(Ringo Starr、Paul McCartney)還在世外,其餘幾位音樂人都已逝世,且均為英年早逝。這正好應證了在Barry King(1987)對那些英年早逝的明星影響之研究中所言,他指出他們(早逝的明星)象徵一代人青春期不可避免的反抗,這樣的他們變成了神話。回顧張國榮四十六年的生命,可謂跌宕起伏卻又璀璨光彩,各界對他的評價毀譽參半,像張國榮在演唱會上的裝扮就被當時的香港媒體以「貞子化身」、「扮女人」等字眼抨擊,因為他並非傳統意義上的明星形象,不論是大膽前衛的思想、引人追逐的私生活、影視劇中複雜多樣的形象等等,都讓張國榮成為香港娛樂圈中獨特的存在。
    本研究將採用論述分析取徑,對所收集的張國榮相關文獻資料進行論述分析,舉凡新聞報導、粉絲在網路上的留言、紀念活動上的表述及張國榮親友採訪等,筆者將研究範圍聚焦於張國榮逝世二十年後所舉辦的紀念活動,利用論述分析來探討張國榮過去的形象建立與紀念活動中是否有所差異,研究會將文獻資料中,所受到的社會場址(institutional sites)和歷史文化因素都納入分析當中,透過論述可以看到社會文化背後的權力是如何影響形象的建立,又經歷傳播科技改變的背景下,張國榮所建構的形象是否有所改變。香港乃至亞洲地區的社會價值觀、流行文化和娛樂產業的發展,都在張國榮逝世後發生轉變,這些都影響張國榮形象的再建構,也會體現在他的紀念活動上,媒體的報導與粉絲的論述,會重新形塑了他的形象,也影響公眾對張國榮形象認知,筆者將在這些方面加以研究,呈現張國榮形象是如何被建構與再建構。
    In August 2010, CNN held an online voting event to celebrate the launch of its program "Icon," aiming to select the "Top Five Iconic Musicians of the Past Fifty Years" globally. Leslie Cheung ranked third among over 100,000 voters, alongside The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, and Bob Marley. Barry King's research correlates these early-deceased stars with youth rebellion, reflecting their legendary status. Cheung's 46 years of life were marked by varied fortunes. His unconventional appearance was critiqued by Hong Kong media, but his bold ideas and diverse personas made him unique. This study analyzes Cheung's portrayal in literature, focusing on commemorative events held twenty years after his passing. It explores how societal changes affect his image reconstruction amidst technological advancements. The evolving societal values and entertainment industry in Hong Kong and Asia impact how Cheung is remembered, reflected in media and fan discourse.
    This study utilizes discourse analysis to examine literature on Leslie Cheung, including news reports, online fan comments, commemorative event statements, and interviews with his relatives and friends. Focusing on events held twenty years after Cheung's passing, it investigates changes in his image construction and commemorative activities. Social sites and historical-cultural factors are incorporated to explore how societal and cultural backgrounds influence image construction amid technological advancements. Changes in societal values, popular culture, and the entertainment industry since Cheung's passing impact his image reconstruction, reflected in media reports and fan discourse. This study delves into these aspects to illustrate the construction and reconstruction of Leslie Cheung's image.
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