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    題名: 以去中心化架構改善匿名式交友軟體性能與體驗之設計與評估
    Design and Evaluation of Using Decentralized Architecture to Improve the Performance and Experience of Anonymous Dating App
    作者: 邱彥閔
    Chiu, Yen-Min
    貢獻者: 陳聖智

    Chen, Shen-Chih
    Liao, Chun-Feng

    Chiu, Yen-Min
    關鍵詞: 匿名式交友軟體
    Anonymous Dating Apps
    Anonymous Communication App
    Decentralized Design
    Using Motivations
    User Experience
    日期: 2024
    上傳時間: 2024-06-03 11:51:43 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 過去出現匿名式交友軟體 Wootalk,在這樣匿名隨機配對的聊天成果下出現種種問題導致許多的使用者體驗感受較差。舉例而言,男女比例失衡、連線穩定性差與使用者素質低落。然而,Wootalk 擁有這麼多的問題,卻還是許多人曾經使用過與經常使用的匿名式交友軟體。因此,本研究打算利用去中心化特性「匿名性與安全性」、「連線穩定性」、「登入審查機制」導入匿名式交友軟體與優化匿名交友軟體的功能設計。並使用 GUN 的分散式技術與 WebRTC 的端對端連線(Peer-to-Peer)來完成此研究模型與改善匿名式交友軟體的使用者體驗。


    Historically, anonymous dating apps like Wootalk have faced challenges such as imbalanced gender ratios, unstable connections, and poor user quality, compromising the user experience. Despite these setbacks, Wootalk remained popular for anonymous dating. This study seeks to enhance anonymous dating apps by incorporating decentralized features that promote anonymity, security, and stable connections, alongside mechanisms for reviewing logins. Utilizing GUN's decentralized technology and WebRTC's peer-to-peer connections, the study aims to improve the user experience significantly.

    A mixed-methods approach was adopted to examine the effectiveness of these improvements through the development and analysis of a new app, "Funny-Cat." The research involved conducting qualitative interviews and quantitative surveys with college students, both undergraduates and postgraduates, to understand their motivations for using anonymous dating apps, their experiences with "Funny-Cat," and their views on its decentralized design and functionality. Engaging 35 participants in using "Funny-Cat" and participating in interviews provided valuable insights into the role of decentralized anonymous dating apps within the college setting and their influence on student social interactions.

    The findings suggest that while the reasons for using anonymous dating apps like "Funny-Cat" don't directly influence user satisfaction, the app's decentralized design significantly enhances it. This implies that "Funny-Cat's" decentralized features align well with user expectations for anonymity in dating apps. Although the app's functionalities didn't directly boost how the decentralized design improved satisfaction, interviews revealed that these features played a crucial role in increasing user engagement and enhancing the overall experience. In essence, the development of anonymous dating apps demonstrates that both decentralized design and functional features are key to elevating user satisfaction and experience.
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