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    Title: 華語回應拒絕策略之探討:商務華語教學應用
    Investigation on Chinese Responding Strategies to Refusals: Application in Business Chinese Teaching
    Authors: 高雅婷
    Kao, Ya-Ting
    Contributors: 杜容玥
    Kao, Ya-Ting
    Keywords: 商務華語
    Business Chinese
    request speech act
    responding strategies to refusals
    politeness strategies
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:42:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討工作場合中請求幫忙無法接受拒絕的情況下,華語母語者使用的回應拒絕策略,並分析社會變項對這些策略的影響,以及比較初次請求和再次請求的行為。同時,研究還探討了在威脅面子的情境下,華語母語者採用的禮貌補救策略類型。最後,研究對比了華語和英語回應拒絕策略、禮貌補救策略,並提出了教學建議。為了確保研究的效度,研究者選擇了年齡約30至55歲的商務人士作為語料研究對象,這些人擁有平均工作年資約20年,以確保語料的真實性和研究的可信度。
    The study aims to investigate the response refusal strategies employed by Mandarin native speakers in workplace scenarios where requests for help cannot be declined, and to analyze the influence of social variables on these strategies, as well as compare the behaviors of initial requests and subsequent ones. Additionally, the study explores the types of politeness remedial strategies employed by Mandarin native speakers in situations threatening face. Finally, a comparison is made between Mandarin and English response refusal strategies and politeness remedial strategies, with teaching suggestions proposed. To ensure the validity of the research, the study selected business professionals aged approximately 30 to 55 years old as participants for linguistic research, with an average work experience of about 20 years, to ensure the authenticity of the data and the credibility of the research.

    In workplace scenarios where requests for help cannot be declined, response refusal strategies are employed to ensure the smooth progress of work. The most common strategy observed is the adaptive strategy; however, Mandarin native speakers employ different strategies in response to refusal based on various social variables. For instance, when facing supervisors, they tend to use adaptive strategies more often, while when facing peers of equal status, they are more inclined to use public opinion strategies. When dealing with lower-ranked assistants, they tend to adopt demand strategies. For obligated colleagues, public opinion are more prevalent. However, when dealing with non-obligated colleagues, and clients, they usually resort to adaptive strategies. This difference mainly stems from the deeply ingrained hierarchical concepts in Chinese society. Consequently, when facing supervisors, clients, and non-obligated colleagues, Mandarin native speakers are more inclined to use positive politeness strategies to ensure smooth work progress. Conversely, when dealing with peers of equal status, lower-ranked colleagues, and obligated colleagues, they prefer to directly express their intentions, as politeness remedial strategies are not used in these contexts, where the efficiency of bald on record strategy is deemed more important. In contrast, English native speakers, except when dealing with supervisors and peers of equal status, tend to use responsive strategies and adaptive strategies for other social variables. This reflects the equality and autonomy of individuals in individualistic cultures, emphasizing that both parties' opinions and needs can coexist, displaying positively polite negotiating attitude.

    Moreover, in business contexts, direct strategies are typically employed during initial requests, focusing on one's own needs, emphasizing efficiency and clear communication. However, when faced with refusal, there is a tendency to use indirect strategies during subsequent requests, considering the interests of the other party, which reflects the importance placed on relationship maintenance in business culture.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111161006
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