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    Title: 從「天下」到現代國際關係:中國關係外交政策及多邊主義認知之分析
    From Ancient China to Modern International Relations: Analysis on Foreign Policy of Chinese Relationality and China’s Perception of Multilateralism
    Authors: 葉福康
    Ergül, Mehmet Furkan
    Contributors: 劉復國
    Liu, Fu-Kuo
    Mehmet Furkan Ergül
    Keywords: 中國外交政策
    Chinese foreign policy
    foreign policy analysis
    Belt & Road Initiative
    Balance of Relationships
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:35:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國經濟崛起十幾年來,在國際關係領域中,許多中國學者大力倡導以儒家價值觀為基礎的新理論;中國與台灣兩地的學者也紛紛提出了各種關於世界政治關係理論與關係平衡理論的看法。這兩大理論用以理解中國對各種多邊組織的行為,其中有許多組織乃是由北京當局所領導創設。
    Since the economic, military and political rise of China began in the last few decades, Chinese scholars have been advocating for a new international relations theory based on Confucian values. These efforts have culminated in the creation of various theories by Chinese and Taiwanese scholars, namely the Relational Theory of World Politics and the Balance of Relationships theory. In this study, these two theories are utilized to examine China’s behavior towards various multilateral organizations, many of which are led by Beijing.
    The study analyzes China’s perception of multilateralism by examining the cases of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Association of Southeast Asian Nations, BRICS, and the Belt & Road Initiative and the Cooperation Between China and Central and Eastern European Countries (16+1). Additionally, it explores how China’s evolving discourse on bilateralism, multilateralism, and multipolarity reflects the relational thinking of Chinese policymakers.
    The results indicate that Beijing’s policies towards these international organizations can be explained by applying IR theories rooted in Confucian relationality. The narrative of Beijing policymakers also reflects their relational mindset.
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