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    Title: 超越匱乏:印尼爪哇島塞烏喀斯特地區水文社會及水治理政治視角的研究
    Beyond Scarcity: A Study of Hydrosocial Perspective and The Politics of Water Governance in Gunungsewu Karst, Java, Indonesia
    Authors: 馬義融
    Martias, Irsyad
    Contributors: 湯京平
    Tang, Ching-Ping
    Martias, Irsyad
    Keywords: 水文社會
    Flow of Water
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:34:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文旨在討論印尼爪哇島 Gunungkidul (南部山區)的Gunungsewu Karst (千座山)中水流的水文社會方面議題。本研究試圖推翻卡斯特地區乾旱是一種自然現象的看法,而是主張乾旱是地理學家創造的社會構建。這種狹隘的觀點忽視了水基礎設施網絡的影響、且將居民的觀點排除在其他們的環境外。因此,本研究從物質和文化兩方面檢視水流,並解釋了它如何與物理環境及人類和非人類行為者的社會生活互動。這包括不同的行為者(當地居民、研究人員及國家)如何依動機和其觀點表述、爭取、討論與利用水。
    首先,本論文從對 Gunungkidul 地區空間歷史的學術文獻梳理開始討論,過往針對 Gunungkidul 的地形學學術討論皆指出,由於此地區缺乏泉水和河流等地表水源,故「乾旱」是一種無可避免的自然現象。另外,我從當地居民觀點出發,從水文社會視角了解 telaga(池塘)作為在石灰岩地形中唯一一種水流地貌是如何與居民的日常活動互動的。此討論彰顯了當水在與其他存有如樹木和精靈互動時超越了物質的存在,換句話說,telaga 對當地居民是種來自宇宙的啟示,體現在神話、記憶和儀式之中。
    This dissertation discusses the hydrosocial aspects of water flow in Gunungsewu Karst (a thousand mountains) in Gunungkidul, Java, Indonesia. This research attempts to debunk the belief that drought in karst areas is a natural given. Instead, it is a social construction created by geographers. This narrow view overlooks the existence of a water infrastructure network and excludes the community's perspective from its hydrological environment. Therefore, this research examines the flow of water materially and culturally and explains how it interacts with its physical environment and the social life of human and non-human actors. This includes how different actors (local communities, researchers, and the state) represent, contest, debate, and utilize water according to their motives and ontology.
    Thus, I started this discussion with a presentation of the spatial history of Gunungsewu based on academic literature. My research demonstrates that geomorphological studies on Karst of Gunungsewu justify that "drought" is an inevitable natural phenomenon as this region does not have surface rivers. Furthermore, I explore the dwelling perspective of the local people to understand the hydrosocial aspects of the telaga (pond), the only karst surface feature where the flow of water can interact with the daily activities of local people. This discussion has shown that water transcends its material aspect as it interacts with other living entities, such as trees and spirits. In other words, the telaga stands as a cosmological inspiration for local people, manifested in myth, memory, and ritual.
    Furthermore, this research indicates that the presence of the state infrastructure profoundly changes local people's views on water, from a gift from God to a promise from the state. Therefore, I also show that the flow of water in the pipeline network depends on the technical and political elements of the infrastructure –the layout of the pipes, the availability of pumps, the energy supply, and the organization of the infrastructure. The combination of the material aspects of water, especially its liquid form, and gravity, with technical and political elements, leads to differences in the temporality of water flow and inequalities in access to water between communities. This research has shown that the water scarcity problems are not caused by the nature of the karst but rather by the inequality of access to water among the population.
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