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    Title: 企業贊助專案之社會投資報酬效益分析─以菁華工業贊助臺北鯨華女子排球隊為例
    Social Return on Investment Analysis of Corporate Sponsorship Projects: A Case Study of Kingwhale Taipei Volleyball Team sponsored by Kingwhale Corporation
    Authors: 劉芳綺
    Liou, Fang-Ci
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂
    Liou, Fang-Ci
    Keywords: 社會投資報酬率
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-06-03 11:34:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 社會投資報酬率(Social Return on Investment, SROI)藉由接觸利害關係人並了解影響力的量化價值,以衡量和辨識企業社會責任作為對各個利害關係人的連鎖影響和改變,同時藉著檢視資源投入和產出成果之間的關係,幫助企業更有方向地推動企業社會責任作為。
    菁華工業股份有限公司自2019年起贊助臺北鯨華女子排球隊,帶領球員參與企業甲級排球聯賽,提供多項培育資源,並藉由球隊品牌、社群媒體的經營,持續與球迷互動並累積球迷數。本研究在2022年9月至2023年8月期間,針對鯨華女排球員、球迷、贊助者菁華工業、鯨華女排營運團隊,並依循社會投資報酬率評估指南 (Nicholls et al., 2012) 所羅列的評估步驟,以SROI方法衡量菁華工業贊助鯨華女排的社會影響力,了解菁華工業和鯨華女排在球員培育以及球迷兩方面帶來的影響及價值。
    SROI is a methodology employed to quantify the social and non-financial benefits generated by corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives on various stakeholders. It facilitates stakeholder engagement to understand the value of these outcomes and enables companies to strategically align their CSR activities with tangible results. Consequently, SROI empowers businesses to refine their CSR programs for greater social impact.
    Kingwhale Corporation has sponsored Kingwhale Taipei Volleyball Team since 2019, providing resources and facilitating player participation in Top Volleyball League. Additionally, the corporation utilizes branding and social media to cultivate a dedicated fanbase for the team. Employing the SROI framework outlined by Nicholls et al. (2012), this research examines the social impact of Kingwhale Corporation's sponsorship from September 2022 to August 2023. The study focuses on four key stakeholders: players, fans, the sponsor (Kingwhale Corporation), and the Kingwhale Taipei Volleyball Team logistics team. The primary objective is to assess the sponsorship's impact on player development and fanbase growth.
    To evaluate the effects on players' skill enhancement, career goals, and personal development, the researchers conducted interviews with 7 team members and gathered responses from 13 players via questionnaires. The calculated SROI for the players’ aspect was NT$0.373. This research paper outlines the detailed methodology and justification for the SROI computations. Furthermore, a survey involving 105 fans examined their interaction with the Kingwhale Taipei Volleyball Team and the impact that both the team and its players had on them. This investigation yielded an SROI of $8.702 from fan engagement. Overall, the study estimated a SROI of $2.89 for Kingwhale Corporation's sponsorship of the Kingwhale Taipei Volleyball Team.
    This study offers a valuable contribution by providing both qualitative and quantitative data to inform Kingwhale Corporation and Taipei Volleyball Team about the social impact of their partnership. These findings can serve as a crucial reference point for future strategic decisions concerning player development and fan engagement initiatives. Furthermore, the research acknowledges and discusses methodological limitations encountered during data collection. These challenges include the difficulty in disaggregating players' feelings from various influences, incorporating player effort into calculations, and estimating the number of impacted fans. By acknowledging these complexities, the study provides valuable insights for future researchers aiming to calculate SROI more accurately in similar contexts.
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