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    Title: 臺灣媒體對轉型正義報導之比較研究— 以《中國時報》及《自由時報》為例
    Narrating Justice: A Comparative Study on Framing of Transitional Justice in Taiwan Newspapers (China Times and Liberty Times as examples)
    Authors: 周穎怡
    Chow, Wing-Yi
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Chow, Wing-Yi
    Keywords: 內容分析
    Content Analysis
    Framing theory
    News media
    Transitional Justice
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-05-02 10:33:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 轉型正義長期以來一直是台灣一個複雜且極具爭議性的議題,特別是在處理威權時期的人權侵害問題時,更是牽涉到敏感的政治議題和社會意見分歧,尤其當威權時期的執政黨——國民黨,至今仍活躍於政治場域且擁有巨大的影響力。為了更深入的了解台灣轉型正義議題,本研究從媒體視角出發,應用框架理論,對2018年至2022年間從《中國時報》和《自由時報》中提取的2,785份媒體報導樣本進行內容分析,旨在調查和比較這兩家知名媒體機構如何向公眾呈現轉型正義議題。分析涵蓋了報導數量、新聞來源的取向、與轉型正義方法相關的主題選擇、採取的立場和應用的框架等幾個關鍵面向。研究結果顯示,這兩家報紙的報導方式存在明顯的差異,這些差異顯示了媒體機構各自呈現不同的轉型正義議題描述,並潛在地影響讀者的關注焦點和觀點。通過探究媒體如何影響公眾對台灣轉型正義的理解,此研究期望幫助學者、政策制定者和其他關注此議題的群體更深入地理解其中的複雜性,思考轉型正義方向與方法,同時也希望增進社會對於人權議題的關注。
    Transitional justice has long been a complex and contentious issue in Taiwan, given the politically sensitive and divisive nature of addressing human rights abuses committed during the authoritarian period, particularly when the ruling party at the time, KMT, remains active and influential in politics. To shed light on this matter, this study employs content analysis of 2,785 media coverage samples extracted from China Times and Liberty Times between 2018-2022. By adopting a media perspective and applying framing theory, it aims to investigate and compare how these two prominent media outlets present transitional justice issues to the public. The analysis encompasses several key aspects, including the quantity of reports, orientations of news sources, selection of topics related to transitional justice mechanisms, adopted stances, and employed frames. The findings reveal significant disparities between the two newspapers in terms of the aforementioned aspects. These disparities suggest a deliberate effort by each outlet to present contrasting depictions of the transitional justice issues, potentially influencing readers' focus and shaping their viewpoints. This study provides insights into how media shapes public discourse on transitional justice in Taiwan, aiding scholars, policymakers, and activists in understanding complexities and exploring innovative approaches. It also has the potential to inspire global initiatives focused on accountability, reconciliation, and human rights protection.
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