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    题名: 當公共服務動機遇上課責:公務人員工作績效的動機效果與資源影響之研究
    When Public Service Motivation Meets Accountability: A Study of Motivational Effects and Resources Influence on Public Servants’ Job Performance in Taiwan.
    作者: 黃建勲
    Huang, Chien-Hsun
    贡献者: 陳敦源
    Chen, Don-Yun
    Huang, Chien-Hsun
    关键词: 公共服務動機
    public service motivation
    job-demands and resources model
    sequential explanatory design
    moderated moderation model
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-05-02 10:33:25 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 公共服務動機的概念與理論自Perry與Wise於1990年開展至今,學界與實務界相信公共服務動機有助於個人工作與組織整體績效。然而,學界仍未能完全瞭解公共服務動機如何影響工作績效。本研究以系絡(context)的角度,希望瞭解公共部門的組織工作環境如影響該兩者間關係,並聚焦探討公共部門的課責環境。本研究應用「工作要求與資源模型」(job-demand and resources model)架構與動機排擠理論,探討工作資源可否緩解課責負向影響公共服務動機與工作績效關係。

    本研究經驗資料來自臺灣某一直轄市政府所屬一級機關,採取混合方法的序列型解釋性設計(sequential explanatory design),實施兩階段的資料收集與分析。第一階段為量化研究的問卷調查與迴歸分析,第二階段的質化研究依據量化研究分析結果,選擇訪談對象,進行深度訪談資料與主題分析。整合量化與質化研究的分析結果顯示,第一,公共服務動機對於不同類型的工作績效有不同的預測能力,對於角色份內行為較無關聯性,但對於創新工作行為具有關聯性。不過,課責其中一個次面向即責任歸屬對於角色份內行為具有顯著關聯性。亦j謂著「該做需要盯著,多做要有熱忱」。第二,對於課責調節影響公共服務動機與工作績效間關係,工作資源(主管支持、向上建言)並無產生顯著的調節式調節效果。自我效能有產生顯著的調節式調節效果,但出現非預期性結果,顯示在特定條件之下,公共服務動機影響公務人員工作並非原始理論的正向預期。另質性研究分析補充呈現,建言作為一種向上溝通的工具以及主管應是一位有原則的指導者。最後,討論本文研究結果的意義以及在目前公共行政領域相關研究文獻的貢獻位置,並提供實務上可能的管理建議,最後說明研究限制與未來精進之處。
    The concept and theory of public service motivation (Perry & Wise, 1990) developed to the present have been widely believed by the academic and practitioners to contribute to individual and organizational performance. However, we still does not fully understand how public service motivation affects job performance. This dissertation takes a contextual perspective to understand how the work environment in the public sector influences the relationship between public service motivation and job performance by focusing on accountability. This study applies the “job-demands and resources model” and motivation crowding theory to examine the buffer effect of job resources on the negative influence of accountability toward the relationship between public service motivation and job performance.

    The research design of mixed-methods is a "sequential explanatory design,” combining quantitative study through a questionnaire survey in the first stage and qualitative study with in-depth interviews and thematic analysis based on the quantitative results in the second stage. The data were collected from a municipal government in Taiwan. According to the analysis results, firstly, public service motivation predicts different types of job performance. It is more related to innovative work behavior than in-role behavior. Nevertheless, attributability, one sub-dimension of accountability, significantly relates to in-role behavior, suggesting that in-role jobs were related to monitoring and extra-role jobs were related to enthusiasm. Secondly, there are no significant moderated moderation effect of job resources (supervisor support and upward voice), accountability, and public service motivation on job performance. However, self-efficacy did have a significant moderated moderation effect but led to unexpected results, suggesting that public service motivation doesn't always positively influence public servants' behaviors as originally theorized. Qualitative research supplements indicate that upward voice serves an instrument and supervisors should be principled guides. Finally, the implications of the results in the literature and recommendations in practice were provided. The study will also highlight its limitations and areas for future research suggestions.
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