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    题名: 運用資產鑑價模型取得新藥開發授權之研究 -以首智生醫科技公司投資案為例
    Research on Obtaining New Drug Development License by Adopting Asset Valuation Model – A Case Study of Preferred Smart Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd
    作者: 謝東瑾
    Hsieh, Tung-Chin
    贡献者: 巫立宇

    Wu, Lei-Yu
    Fong, Jerry G.

    Hsieh, Tung-Chin
    关键词: 外部創新成長策略
    External growth strategy
    Licensing Business Strategy
    Asset Valuation Model
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-05-02 10:30:03 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 生技醫藥產業是一個智慧專利技術與資金需求龐大的高壁壘障礙性產業,因與人類的生命健康息息相關,需要於高度品質監控系統下通過各國主管機關審查通過後才可上市,所以生技製藥業一直是全球化產業結構供應鏈的典範。
    The Industry characteristics of biotech pharmaceuticals are highly technology within barriers to entry and capital-intensive needs. Because of closely related to human healthcare, it required a higher-level quality control system to be approved into the market. Therefore, the biotech pharmaceutical industry has always played a globalization supplier system.
    Higher development costs for new drugs at recent era, external innovation business strategies such as mergers and acquisitions, collaborative R&D, and licensing have become the key for those start-up drug development companies to create smart and differential valuation. Based on the findings from our paper, we could provide some better points to which now suffered by new drug development or trapped in the milestone of operation. Also, within sharing our experience to encourage the developers of Taiwan’s new drug built the right business models using utilize external innovation tool to improve development technology and capabilities, and establish a high-barrier value chain to position your competitive advantage.
    Therefore, this study mainly focuses on the real case study, the results which actually participated in the commercial licensing strategy to discuss how to obtain through what you should have and really prepared well. Learn to maximize and effectively allocate your resources at every stage when the growth strategy of Corporation met and done.
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