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Title: | 社會工作實務中官僚行政與關懷行為的權衡:以社會福利服務中心的社工員為例 The trade-off between bureaucratic administrative and caring behaviors in social work practices: The study of social workers in social welfare centers |
Authors: | 張淳麒 Chang, Chun-Chi |
Contributors: | 林宜輝 Yei-Whei Lin 張淳麒 Chang, Chun-Chi |
Keywords: | 社會安全網計畫 社會福利服務中心社工員 基層官僚 關懷倫理 類型學分析 Social Safety Network Project Social worker of social welfare service center street-level bureaucrats Ethics of care Typology analysis |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-05-02 10:28:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本論文的背景主要為台灣政府於2018年後,為平息眾多起重大社會公安事件所引發民怨而推動的社會安全網計畫。該計畫主要目的便嘗試建構一個可承接脆弱家庭的社會服務網絡。而為達此一目標,政府已於各縣市增設社會福利中心,並大力增聘可投入服務脆弱家庭的社工人力。在此政策背景下,研究者便發現有兩個議題格外重要。其一為既有研究已強調在新自由主義風潮下,公部門社工的行政負荷將更為沉重,如此便可能會嚴重影響社工原有的個案服務。另一議題為隨著國際關懷倫理研究的興起,社工學界也體認到我們所重視的社工關懷價值似有被邊緣化的危機。基於這兩大議題的重要性,本論文決定有必要在社會安全網計畫下探討社工將如何應對行政負荷與個案關懷工作此挑戰性議題。為回答此一研究問題,本論文已同時採用「滾雪球抽樣」方式訪談共13位分布於台北、台中、花東地區的社會福利中心的社工人員。資料蒐集方式是以半結構式訪談為主,其目的在更進一步瞭解社工日常行政工作與關懷個案之情狀。有關具體的資料分析方法,研究者則先後運用了主題分析與類型學分析方法。 經分析有關社工的訪談資料後,本論文發現環繞著行政工作與關懷工作皆有重要的主題浮現。其後,研究者又再基於這些主題分析的發現進一步歸納有四種常見的社工平衡行政與關懷之樣態,其分別為:艱辛平衡的關懷型社工、適度平衡的關懷型社工、肩負行政重擔的科層型社工、安於行政的科層型社工。本論文發現除「適度平衡的關懷型社工」外,其他類型的社工在平日實務中皆面臨著諸多的挑戰。為了解決社工平衡行政與關懷所面對的挑戰,研究者最終亦提出一系列可行的政策改革建議。其中,政府可在未來率先提出行政減負措施,以減輕現有社工的行政負擔。在此條件下,社工也才有更多精力可投入關懷個案的工作。同時,論文也建議政府應創建一個更友善、更支持與更關懷的社會福利中心環境,如此有利提高社工工作滿意度。最為重要的是,本論文期望未來的社工教育可發揮協助社會安全網計畫轉型的效果,即轉變目前計畫僅以風險管理導向為強化關懷導向的服務提供模式,這才能使社會安全網計畫最終得重回社工所珍惜的關懷為本之服務精神。 This thesis stems from the Taiwanese government's post-2018 initiative aimed at addressing public grievances arising from several significant social security incidents, which led to the implementation of the Social Safety Network Project. This project aims to establish a social service network capable of supporting vulnerable families. To achieve this objective, the government has expanded the establishment of social welfare centers across various counties and cities, significantly increasing the recruitment of social workers to support vulnerable families. Against this policy backdrop, two critical issues have emerged. Firstly, existing research has indicated that under the influence of neoliberalism, administrative burdens on public sector social workers are expected to increase, potentially jeopardizing their ability to provide effective care services. Secondly, with the rise of international care ethics research, there appears to be a crisis of care values being marginalized in social work. Given the significance of these issues, this paper argues for the necessity to explore how social workers under the Social Safety Net Program will address the potential challenges of administrative burden and case care work. To address this research question, the study conducted interviews with 13 social workers from social welfare centers in Taipei, Taichung, and Eastern Taiwan, employing snowball sampling methods. Data collection primarily utilized semi-structured interviews to understand further the conditions of social workers' daily administrative work and case care. For data analysis, this study utilized thematic and typological analysis methods. Through the analysis of interview data, this study found important themes related to both administrative work and care work. Subsequently, based on these thematic analysis findings, this paper further categorized four types of social workers in social welfare centers balancing administrative and care work: the Struggling Care-Oriented Social Worker, the Moderately Balanced Care-Oriented Social Worker, the Bureaucratic Hierarchical Social Worker with Administrative Burdens, and the Bureaucratic Hierarchical Social Worker Comfortable with Administrative Tasks. Except for the Moderately Balanced Care-Oriented Social Worker, other types of social workers face numerous challenges in practical work. In addressing social workers' challenges in balancing administrative and care tasks, this study proposes several policy reform recommendations. Firstly, the government should implement measures to reduce administrative burdens in the future, allowing social workers to dedicate more energy to case care work. Additionally, the researchers suggest the government create a more supportive and caring environment within social welfare centers, which would help improve social workers' job satisfaction. Crucially, this study advocates for future social work education to support the Social Safety Net Program's transition from a risk management-oriented service model to one that enhances social workers' mission-driven approach to individual care, thus restoring the program's foundational ethos of care-oriented service. |
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