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Title: | 遣送瘟船:贛東北地方道教「和瘟」儀式及其比較研究 Expelling Epidemic Boats: A Comparative Study of Pacification of Epidemics Rituals in Northeast Jiangxi 江西 |
Authors: | 呂燁 Lü, Ye |
Contributors: | 華人宗教研究 |
Keywords: | 和瘟;清微派;神霄法;北帝法;釋教;清微 Pacification of epidemics;Hewen;Pure Tenuity;Qingwei;Daoist exorcism;Shenxiao fa;Beidi fa;Popular Buddhism;Shijiao |
Date: | 2023-01 |
Issue Date: | 2024-04-12 09:58:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 六朝時《女青鬼律》、《太上洞淵神呪經》等經典問世,試圖以道教宇宙觀解釋疫病流行的原因及解決之道。至遲成書於唐代的《赤松子章曆》已記載〈斷瘟毒疫章〉、〈斷瘟疫章〉,可知早期天師道祭酒通過上章來為信眾治療疫病。宋代以降,道教受民間送瘟習俗影響,發展出為社區舉行的和瘟送船儀式並盛行至今。本文聚焦贛東北的和瘟儀式,選取清微、本地靈寶、釋教三個道壇的抄本資料,結合田野觀察記錄,對比《神霄斷瘟大法》、《神霄遣瘟送船儀》、《神霄遣瘟治病訣法》、《靈佑忠烈大法》、《北帝伏魔神呪妙經》卷二〈七元祕訣品〉內斬瘟、治瘟病、和瘟等儀式內容,分析其中的道法應用及科儀節次。本文發現,當代贛東北清微派在和瘟的同時仍沿用斬瘟之法,而釋教和瘟科的神譜及科儀結構皆承襲自道教。 Daoist scriptures of the Six Dynasties, such as the “Demon Laws of Lady Blue” (Nüqing guilü 女青鬼律) and the “Scripture of Divine Incantations of the Abyssal Caverns (Dongyuan shenzhou jing 太上洞淵神呪經) among others, attempt to explain reasons for the spread of epidemics from a Daoist cosmological perspective and offer methods to resolve them. The “Petition Almanac of Master Red Pine” (Chi Songzi zhangli 赤松子章曆), a book compiled no later than the Tang dynasty, also records several methods for curing epidemics. These include the “Petition for Severing Epidemics, Poisons, and Contagions” (Duanwen dubing zhang 斷瘟毒疫章) and “Petition for Severing Epidemics and Contagions” (duan wenbing zhang 斷瘟疫章), which we know were likely used by early Heavenly Masters libationers(jijiu 祭酒) to address these issues through the ritual submission of petitions(zhang 章)on behalf of community members. From the Song dynasty onwards, Daoists were influenced by popular customs of expelling epidemics, and they developed rituals for pacifying epidemics and sending off boats, which were held in local communities and have continued to be prevalent until today. This article focuses on epidemic pacification rituals of Northeast Jiangxi, in particular a selection of manuscripts from three ritual altars of different ritual lineages –Pure Tenuity (Qingwei 清微), local Numinous Treasure (Bendi Lingbao 本地靈寶), and Shijiao 釋教 (Popular Buddhism)–and couples an examination of these with records of field observation and relevant texts of Daoist exorcism (Shenxiao 神霄、Qingwei清微、Beidi 北帝) in the Daoist Canon. The article compares the content of suchrituals, often noted as “ beheading epidemic” (zhanwen 斬瘟), “healing epidemic and illness” (zhi wenbing 治瘟病), or “pacifying epidemic” (hewen 和瘟) in the manuscripts, analyzing the use of various Daoist rites and the liturgical structures. As this research demonstrates, the Qingwei lineage of contemporary northeast Jiangxi still employs “beheading epidemic” rites from the Song dynasty during epidemic pacification rituals. Moreover, the divine pantheons and liturgical structures used by Shijiao ritual specialists during epidemic pacification rituals have both been inherited from earlier Daoist ritual traditions. |
Relation: | 華人宗教研究, No.21, pp.1-41 |
Data Type: | article |
DOI 連結: | https://doi.org/10.6720/SCR.202301_(21).0001 |
DOI: | 10.6720/SCR.202301_(21).0001 |
Appears in Collections: | [華人宗教研究] 期刊論文
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