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    Title: 台灣華語之字詞關聯性:以語意與音韻近似度為例證
    Word Associations in Taiwan Mandarin: Evidence from Semantic and Phonological Similarities
    Authors: 謝昀珊
    Hsieh, Yun-Shan
    Contributors: 萬依萍
    Wan, I-Ping
    Hsieh, Yun-Shan
    Keywords: 語意相似性
    semantic Similarity
    phonological similarity
    continued word association
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-04-01 14:29:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 詞彙提取(Lexical retrieval)涉及在詞彙庫(Lexicon)中檢索並提取目標字彙對應的語意和音韻訊息。相較於關注單一語言層次的現象,越來越多研究專注於多個語言層次之間在詞彙提取中的關係。本研究的旨在透過連續性詞彙聯想實驗 (Continued word association task),探究連續詞彙提取過程中語意和音韻層面個別的影響,以及兩者之間的動態關係,進一步觀察自然語言產製歷程。
    進行詞彙聯想時,受試者傾向提取具有特定特徵的詞彙:語意方面以聚合式關係(Paradigmatic relation)為主,而聲調共享和韻母共享的現象則主要應用於音韻層面。實驗發現在連續提取詞彙的過程中,語意和音韻特徵的選擇會隨著提取順序變化,語意和音韻相似度亦受到提取順序的影響。語意相似性在提取中段稍有下降,但整體上保持一致的趨勢,而音韻相似性則在過程中逐漸下降。結果顯示語意因素在台灣華語詞彙聯想中扮演著關鍵和持續性的角色,相較之下,音韻因素的影響似乎逐漸減弱。整體而言,語意和音韻相似性在詞彙產製歷程中呈現相應的變化趨勢,語意和音韻層次間呈現相互作用的關係。
    Lexical retrieval involves accessing items from the lexicon through corresponding semantic word-meaning and phonological word-form representations. Rather than focus solely on discrete influences, the investigation of the relationship between multiple levels has been growingly engaged. This study aims to unveil dynamic influences and relationships between semantic and phonological levels during sequential lexical retrieval. The continued word association task was implemented to capture diverse lexical information in spontaneous reactions.
    Tendencies towards retrieving words sharing specific relations were identified in the association. Paradigmatic relations were predominantly found among semantic relations, whereas tone-sharing and rhyme-sharing conditions were primarily applied at the phonological level. Delving into sequential retrieval, choices in semantic and phonological relations varied with elicitation orders. Response positions also had influences on semantic and phonological similarities. Specifically, semantic similarities displayed a minimal decrease in the middle of the generation but maintained a consistent pattern overall. Conversely, phonological similarities exhibited a decreasing pattern across response positions. The findings highlight the enduring and crucial role of semantic components in Mandarin associations, with a gradual decline in the influence of phonological elements. This study identified a generally interconnected relationship between these two levels, as semantic and phonological distances tended to show a paralleling rise in serial responses.
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