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    Title: 華語幼兒子音構音/音韻異常研究
    Other Titles: Consonant Disorder in Mandarin Children (II)
    Authors: 萬依萍
    Contributors: 語言所
    Keywords: 音韻遲緩;語言習得;子音;華語
    phonologically-disordered children;language acquisition;consonants;Mandarin
    Date: 2016-10
    Issue Date: 2024-03-08 14:13:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本計畫擬進行三年主要以長期觀察(longitudinal)、中長期觀察(semi-longitudinal)及跨年齡層實驗(cross-sectional experiments)三種方式來討論台灣華語幼兒構音/音韻異常等現象。研究主題包括:(1)音障幼童子音個別習得順序、使用頻率以及音韻表徵的對應關係;(2)音障幼童的子音習得錯誤類別;(3)華語音障幼童子音發展與正常幼兒子音發展系統比較;(4)台灣華語音障幼童子音發展與其他外語相關文獻比較以及音韻理論的應用。三種研究方式包括(一)長期觀察法,以密集的療程每週每天固定觀察語言治療師與幼童進行自然言說收集。(二)中長期觀察法,以半年為一個基準期,進行片面收集。(三)跨年齡層量化實驗(cross-sectional experiments),對於尚未正式進入療程期(pre-treatment)的幼童執行3項實驗(圖片命名、新詞覆誦、故事言說)。本研究由於是僅探測幼兒構音/音韻異常等主題,因此將全面排除其他障礙之幼兒。 有關英語構音研究研究,雖然Bortolini & Leonard (1991)的圖片命名量化研究發現義大利語的音障幼童的音韻結構與正常幼童並沒有太大差異,只不過他們處理音韻規則的方式比較不一樣,但是,Stoel-Gammon & Dunn (1985), Leonard (1995), Wilcox & Anderson (1998)及Dodd & Bradford (1999)均詳述英語幼兒構音/音韻異常的整體發展歷程現象。他們發現有別於正常幼童的音韻歷程,音韻障礙的幼兒一直到2歲,才能發出有限的語音,甚至到了3、4歲,才能發出塞音、鼻音及些許母音。隨著年齡增長,許多錯誤並未消失,例如字尾子音刪除、疊音、軟顎音前移、非重音音節刪除、軟顎音、鼻音之同化等情形等。另外,有一點特別的現象是,這群構音/音韻異常的幼兒習得語音的順序及音韻規則與一般幼兒不一樣。國內對於語言障礙的研究非常豐富,也有幾篇構音異常的介紹,但幾乎沒有音韻異常的歷程研究。因此本計畫主要是要比對國內構音及音韻異常幼童的子音表現行為。 本計畫主持人已先行先做了3位構音/音韻障礙個案研究,結果發現音障幼童的構音及音韻表現的確與一般正常幼兒不一致,甚至有些是連音韻規則也無法提出合理解釋,但是也有案例顯示有些音障幼童的構音錯誤幾乎完全是呈現一致性有系統的可預測度,而且是能夠用簡易的音韻規則來解釋,不過並非每個音障幼童的語音系統都合乎音韻制約,也有些幼童的語音會出現不允許的音系。利用上述3種研究方法獲得的構音/音韻語料,期望能對以下問題提出證明解釋: (1)音障幼童子音個別習得順序、使用頻率以及音韻表徵的對應關係:國內學者對於台灣華語正常幼兒的子音習得現象大致的發現為塞音比塞擦音來得早,而塞擦音又比擦音來得早,口腔前部比口腔後部來的快,非送氣音比送氣更早學會。在使用頻率上而言,大人所使用的語音系統似乎會影響幼童的使用頻率,早習得或者使用數量較為頻繁的子音似乎都與音韻表徵[+nasal]、[-voiced]或[-coronal]有關,子音具有[+continuant]或[+strident]的表徵,習得都比較晚,而且使用數量都偏低。因此音障幼兒的子音系統是否也與正常幼兒有類似現象, (2)音障幼童的子音習得錯誤類別:目前研究均發現一歲半前的正常幼童比較傾向使用刪除法省略複雜的音韻結構,例如當有子音串出現時,其中一個子音必然刪除,或是CVC的音節結構中,字尾的子音被切除,然而隨著年齡漸增至3歲左右,代換開始比刪除出現更多。因此音障幼兒是否能從構音/音韻表現行為上顯現出同樣的現象,進而由音韻理論來推算無標記的子音取代有標記的子音是否偏高?區別表徵是否能夠解釋代換問題?語音越相近似的兩組音,是否代換會頻繁?音障幼童處理代換錯誤時,是否會違反音韻制約?這些問題都值得一窺究竟。 (3)台灣華語音障幼童的子音發展與正常幼兒的子音發展系統比較:台灣華語音障幼童與一般幼童的語料比較基準為何。本計畫主持人3年來以長期觀察的方式收集到27名正常幼兒子音發展歷程(0;7-3;2),以圖片命名量化實驗收集到另外30名幼兒子音記錄,75%的幼童3歲前其實子音系統幾乎都已經發展齊全,只是某些特定的發音部位或是發音方法並未達到精熟,而且,施測的方式會影響結果。長期觀察可以看到幼兒對於 某些音系尚未達到純熟度,但是量化實驗,幾乎幼童的警覺性較高,「答對」的正確率較高。相信類似的施測方式,對於未來能將兩大語料庫做一一比較,兩組幼童對於音韻處理機制上是否呈現相相似、相異甚至對立的現象? (4)台灣華語音障幼童的子音發展與其他外語相關文獻比較以及音韻理論的應用:目前從計畫主持人的長期觀察及量化實驗研究發現,台灣華語子音習得的歷程許多符合語言的通用性,但是,並非完全如國外的預測一致,有些許是受到本身音韻制約的影響,同樣的,未來這兩大幼兒語料庫可以推論出時下的音韻理論對於子音的系統、分類及排列方式,相信可以透過這些豐富的語料,對於音韻理論提出新的驗證。 在本計畫中,計畫主持人主要的工作為收集語料、實驗設計及音韻分析,而兩位共同主持人負責實驗語料項目、分析解讀及協同尋找適合的個案幼童,三位協同主持人分別負責幼童聽力測驗、設計電腦應用程式、統計分析等。
    The aim of this project is to investigate consonant inventories in phonologically disordered Mandarin children. The inventories include the number of consonants that are frequently used in these children's system, age of consonant mastery, number of consonant misarticulation, types of observed errors, and types of substitution in terms of phonological patterns. Data will be drawn from longitudinal and semi-longitudinal speech excerpts/spontaneous speech as well as three cross-sectional experiments involving a picture naming task, an imitation task and a narrative retell task. The phonetic inventories in phonologically-disordered children have been studied by many phonologists who have concentrated on the relevant data collections in an attempt to explain the nature and cause of phonological characteristics in these children. Some of the researchers have found that the speech sounds, phonological rules and processes of normal and disordered children are similar (Bortolini & Leonard 1991), whereas the others noticed substantial differences between them (e.g., Stoel-Gammon & Dunn 1985, Leonard 1995, Wilcox & Anderson 1998, Dodd & Bradford 2000). They further noticed that even within disordered children, different types of children's phonological and phonetic system may respond to various types of research approaches that target different aspects of speech production. The PI has already done a pilot study by observing three individual disordered children's speech sounds, and hypothesized that disordered children may begin with phonological characteristics that are similar to those of normal children, but at some point in the process of acquisition, development begins to follow a course deviant from that of normal acquisition. In this research project, the PI and her research team will observe and record the conversations and interactions or spontaneous speech between the speech pathologist and the disordered children in longitudinal and semi-longitudinal studies, and will also conduct three cross-sectional experiments by utilizing the classical experimental techniques involving a picture naming task, an imitation task and a narrative retell task for elicitation of error collection. A number of fundamental questions regarding the consonant inventories of phonologically disordered children acquiring Taiwan Mandarin are listed below. 1) What is the rate of consonant acquisition in the speech of these groups of children? Will children have any preference to acquire certain consonant phones or even phonological features? Will consonant phones be distributed evenly in these children’s production system? 2) What are the type of errors in the misarticulation of children’s sound system? What are the alternations and/or variations observed in children’s consonant forms since children do not simply acquire a sound and produce it correctly? What are the error patterns undergoing phonological processes? Are children more likely to substitute one phone for another? Will children’s error production reflect a sensitivity to phonotactics? Will there be any violation yielding illegal output form? 3) Is there any phone that is the most frequently used sounds in substitution errors? Are the target-error sets more likely to interact with one another when they are phonetically similar? Whenever the substitution occurs, will the new form remain faithful to the structure of Mandarin phonology? The PI and her whole team plan to find answers to the consonant repertories and errors patterns in phonologically disordered children acquiring Taiwan Mandarin. The PI will work on data collections, experimental designs and phonological analyses, the two Co-PIs will help the test material on the three experiments, phonological analyses, or relocate the appropriate children for the studies, and the associate investigators will work on the perception tests, computer techniques or running statistic programs. The purpose of this investigation is hoping to find the similarities and differences in these children's production system. As more evidence is presented through collection of empirical data, researchers might able to provide answers to important issues regarding the explanation and practical application of phonological theory.
    Relation: 科技部, 計畫編號: MOST103-2410-H004-075, 研究期間: 103.08-104.08
    Data Type: report
    Appears in Collections:[Graduate Institute of Linguistics] NSC Projects

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