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    Title: 展演人口轉型模型:台灣家庭計劃政策部署與婦女避孕軌跡(1960s-1980s)
    Performing the Demographic Transition Model: Family Planning in Taiwan and Women’s Contraceptive Trajectories (1960s-1980s)
    Authors: 賴國瑛
    Lai, Kuo-Ing
    Contributors: 陳宗文
    Chen, Tzung-Wen
    Lai, Kuo-Ing
    Keywords: 生育變遷
    Fertility transition
    Family planning
    Demographic transition model
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 14:25:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文透過援引法國社會學家Michel Callon展演性(performativity)的概念,試圖對生育變遷(fertility transition)的過程提出另一種詮釋,強調人口學的理論知識如何形構實際人口。以台灣家庭計劃政策為例,我說明政策行動者如何以人口轉型模型為參考框架,建構三種實現出生率下降曲線的部署(dispositifs):在「專家部署」,我檢視1950年代中後期,與農復會合作的美國人口學家如何利用人口轉型模型確認台灣未來人口快速增長的趨勢,隨後經建官僚的介入,如何將人口快速增長視為阻礙國家實現經濟現代化的問題,推動1964年「控制人口、發展經濟」為目標的家庭計劃政策;在「統計部署」,我追溯政策行動者為實現前述經濟發展的目標,如何建構一個推廣已婚婦女裝置子宮內避孕器樂普的評價網絡,透過向婦女發放優惠裝置樂普的介紹單,同時利用介紹單蒐集裝置樂普婦女的資料進行分析,以證明政策控制出生率的成效;在「身體部署」,我描繪家庭計劃工作員如何逐戶訪視婦女,轉譯政策節育的目的,促動婦女使用政策推廣的避孕方法。同時我也呈現1970年代、1980年代在政策大規模推廣節育的背景下,婦女的避孕歷程,由此說明婦女控制生育過程中產生的種種不確定性,如何展演台灣出生率變遷的獨特軌跡。
    Drawing on French sociologist Michel Callon’s notion of performativity, this paper proposes an alternative interpretation of fertility transition, emphasizing the role of theoretical knowledge of demography in shaping the concrete population. Using Taiwan’s family planning policy as a case study, I examine how the demographic transition model have been used as a frame of reference by the policy actors to construct three types of dispositifs to realize the declining birth rate. First, in “expert dispositifs”, I discuss how the US demographers who collaborated with the Joint Commission of Rural Reconstruction used the model in the mid-to-late 1950s to confirm the trend of Taiwan’s future population growth, and how technocrats began to view rapid population growth as an impediment to economic modernization, thus giving birth the 1964 family planning policy. Second, in “statistical dispositifs”, I trace how the policy actors constructed an evaluation network to promote the use of intrauterine devices among married women by distributing coupons, a device that at the same time collected data from women users to demonstrate the effectiveness of the policy in controlling the birth rate. Lastly, in “body dispositifs”, I describe how field workers conducted door-to-door visits to motivate women to use state-sponsored contraceptive methods. I also present women’s contraceptive experiences in the 1970s and 1980s to illustrate how uncertainties in controlling birth shape the unique trajectory of Taiwan’s birth rate.
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