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Title: | 想像未來與幸福感的關係----最好可能自我與最適可能自我的初探 The Relationship Between Imagining the Future and Well-Being ----A Preliminary Study on the Best Possible Self and the Optimal Possible Self |
Authors: | 蕭宇珊 |
Contributors: | 孫蒨如 蕭宇珊 |
Keywords: | 可能自我 最好可能自我 最適可能自我 主觀幸福感 正向情緒 負向情緒 生活滿意度 需求滿意度 Possible Self Best Possible Self Optimal Possible Self Subjective Well-Being Positive emotions Negative emotions Life Satisfaction Need Satisfaction |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 14:15:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在日常生活中,我們時常想像自己的未來、為自己的未來做規劃,但想像未來對我們有幫助嗎?可以為我們帶來幸福感嗎?過去許多研究以最好可能自我(Best Possible Self)進行探討,藉由讓個體想像未來最好可能的自我,檢驗其與幸福感的關聯。但回顧相關文獻時發現,最好可能自我研究大多為西方研究,以華人為參與者的研究僅三篇,且提升幸福感之效果不甚一致。本研究認為其可能原因在於華人的自我與西方人的自我有所不同,加上指導語所強調的「最好」狀態,並未能讓華人參與者對未來的想像真正符合心中期待,所以無法有效地提升幸福感。故本研究提出「最適可能自我」(Optimal Possible Self)概念,希望進行深入探討。研究一以不同正向自我操弄(最好可能自我、最適可能自我、個人取向成就以及控制組)探討參與者所寫內容的異同之處以及對於幸福感的提升效果;研究二則是探討不同正向自我操弄對幸福感的影響及其中可能的中介機制,也檢驗其對於幸福感提升的立即效果(操弄後當下)、短期效果(連續操弄一週後)以及長期效果(連續操弄結束後一週)。結果顯示,正向自我操弄確實可以提升個體主觀幸福感,特別是在正向情緒部分,本研究發現最好可能自我有提升正向情緒的立即效果,而最適可能自我對於正向情緒除了有立即提升效果之外,也有短期提升效果,且最適可能自我會透過「自主」需求的滿足,進而提升正向情緒。 In daily life, we often imagine and make plans for our future, but does imagining the future help us? Can it bring us happiness? Many previous studies have explored the concept of the Best Possible Self (BPS), and examined its relationship with subjective well-being by asking individuals to imagine the best possible self in the future. However, when reviewing the relevant literature, we found that BPS studies are mostly conducted in Western contexts, with only three studies involving Chinese participants, and the effects on enhancing happiness were inconsistent. We propose that this might be due to the differences between the self-concept of Chinese people and Westerners. Moreover, the emphasis on the "best" state in guided imagery may not align with the expectations of Chinese participants, and thus fail to enhance happiness effectively. Therefore, our study introduces the concept of the "Optimal Possible Self" (OPS) and aims to delve deeper into it. In Study 1, we investigated the differences in content written by participants under different positive self-manipulations (BPS, OPS, individual achievement orientation, and control group) and their effect on enhancing subjective well-being. Study 2 explored the impact of different positive self-manipulations on happiness and the possible mediating mechanisms were also tested. Their immediate effect (immediately after the manipulation), short-term effect (after a week of continuous manipulation), and long-term effect (one week after continuous manipulation ended) on enhancing happiness were also tested. The results show that positive self-manipulation indeed enhances individuals' subjective well-being, particularly in terms of positive emotions. Specifically, our study found that BPS has an immediate effect on enhancing positive emotions, while OPS not only has an immediate effect but also a short-term effect on enhancing positive emotions. Moreover, OPS enhances positive emotions through the satisfaction of "autonomy" needs. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學系 108752013 |
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