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    Title: 「現代的情感」?:戰後台灣現代文學的情感政治
    “Modern Feelings”?: The Politics of Emotion in Postwar Taiwanese Modern Literature
    Authors: 林明進
    Lin, Ming-Chin
    Contributors: 陳佩甄
    Keywords: 現代主義
    affect theory
    Modern Girls
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 14:09:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 藉著分析現代主義經典小說,本論文探索「情感」如何形塑台灣歷史中「現代」與「落後」主體的劃分。我選取的文本包括以下代表性的現代主義小說:王文興的《家變》(1973)、白先勇的《台北人》(1971)與《紐約客》(2007)、王禎和的《玫瑰玫瑰我愛你》(1984)、《美人圖》(1982)與〈素蘭小姐要出嫁〉(1980)。上述小說皆觸及了關於台灣現代化的辯證,包括:性別解放、經濟分配與人際倫理轉型等。
    This thesis explores how affect shapes the boundary of “modern” and “backward” subjects in the history of Taiwan by analyzing the works of iconic Taiwanese modernist writers. I focus specifically on Wang Wen-hsing, Pai Hsien-yung, and Wang Chen-ho. Their novels prompted debates about different aspects of Taiwanese modernization, including gender liberation, economic distribution, and ethical transformation in the context of interpersonal relationships.
    This thesis provides an intellectual history of modernity through readings of both iconic Taiwanese modernist novels and literary criticism about them. I argue that, while the concept of the “modern” is used to justify social progress, it has become a tool of social oppression. Aligning “modern” collectives together, discourses of modernity tend to attribute to its “others” backward feelings such as shame, nostalgia, and sentimentalism. Reading these backward feelings in Taiwanese modernist novels, I consider the plight of figures who challenge and are challenged by the attribution of modernity to the following affectively charged objects: a shameful Asian identity, a nostalgic “Modern Girl,” and a sentimental subaltern.
    In addition to questioning the moral order imposed by the injunction to “be modern,” this thesis attempts to imagine a future that allows people to feel backwards. Modernity’s futurity contains the imperative of optimism and the promise of liberation; however, the imaginative scope of this futurity is often limited to individualism and success. Through investigating how discourses of modernity influence our sense of the future, this thesis seeks to create a space of recognition for backward subjects to imagine a different kind of futurity.
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