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Title: | (反)救贖:台灣科幻的身心障礙 Counter Redemption: Disabilities in Taiwanese Science Fiction |
Authors: | 鍾昀珊 Zhong, Yun-Shan |
Contributors: | 紀大偉 Chi, Ta-Wei 鍾昀珊 Zhong, Yun-Shan |
Keywords: | 科幻 身心障礙 救贖 後人類 情感研究 Taiwanese Science Fiction Disability Redemption Posthuman Affect Studies |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 14:09:32 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文藉助身心障礙研究的觀點,閱讀台灣戰後的科幻文學,目的要承認早已存在文本中的障礙者,更要重視這些障礙者的主體性。筆者除了運用「障礙研究」(disability studies)作為主要研究框架,並採納「後人類研究」(posthuman studies)與「情感研究」(affect studies)思維,藉此關注科幻文本中障礙的更多面向。 本文主張策略性的「(反)救贖」:救贖(例如醫療介入)經常是良善的,但是也偶有弊端(例如醫療介入偶爾有害)。因此,本文建議,障礙者未必總是要被動接受科技救贖。筆者藉由張曉風〈潘渡娜〉(1968)、東方白〈尾巴〉(1978)、黃凡《零》(1982)、凌煙《寄生奇緣》(1992)、以新.索伊勇(Ising Suaiyung)〈赤土〉(2010)、洪茲盈《墟行者》(2018)等科幻文本討論科技、神力、正能量,三種科幻小說中常見的救贖敘事。 筆者分別在〈科技修復障礙〉、〈「非人」與「超人」〉、〈後人類憂鬱〉等三個章節,批判社會利用障礙者,將三種救贖合而為一。筆者回顧台灣科幻小說,質疑三位一體的救贖敘事,拆解科技跟權力結構的共謀,重新建構科技與障礙的社會關係。 This thesis explores Taiwanese science fiction in the post-WWII period from the perspective of disability studies, aiming to identify the already-existing texts about people with disabilities and emphasize the subjectivity of disabled people. This thesis not only employs disability studies as the main framework but also integrates posthuman studies and affect studies to explore various aspects of disability in science fiction. This thesis argues that disabled people do not need to accept technological redemption passively but can actively create their own future. The concept of “redemption” is considered a social invention to avoid reasonable compensation and deepen exploitation. Therefore, this thesis examines redemption narratives related to technology, superpower, and positive energy in Taiwanese science fiction. |
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