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    Title: 專案管理之優化與落實之研究 – 以土木工程承包案為例
    Improving and Implementing Project Management - The Case of Construction Projects
    Authors: 何宜安
    Ho, Yi-An
    Contributors: 于卓民
    Ho, Yi-An
    Keywords: 企業流程再造
    Business Process Reengineering
    Project Management
    Human Resource Training
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 14:03:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在市場上存在著越來越多的土木工程中小企業,面對激烈的競爭、物價上漲和缺工的挑戰,這些企業需要在每次承包政府工程時維持一定水準的服務品質並實現合理利潤。這涉及公司在專案的每個流程和環節中的有效管理,而這正是本研究的核心目標,旨在協助中小土木工程企業優化和實踐專案管理。
    There are an increasing number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the
    construction industry. Faced with intense competition, rising costs, and labor shortages,
    companies need to maintain a certain level of service quality and make a profit on each
    project. This involves effective management by the company in every process, which is the
    core objective of this study, aimed at assisting SMEs in improving and implementing
    project management.
    The participant in this study is a gradually expanding SME in the construction
    industry. Through interviews and information collection and analysis, the study aims to
    understand how SMEs in the construction industry manage each project and the challenges
    faced in each process. And the study indicates the root cause of the problems are
    information systems, company policies, and human resource management, including
    recruitment and training.
    The research shows that inadequate information systems lead to low efficiency in
    processes such as information retrievals and proposal writing. Inadequate company
    policies result in unclear standards for colleagues regarding job content, and lead to work
    discoordination and inconsistency. Since the construction industry is a labor-intensive
    industry, deficiencies in hiring and training processes result in insufficient employee
    expertise, low efficiency in proposal writing, and increase employee turnover, which
    affects the overall project progress. Based on the above-mentioned problems, the study
    proposes related solutions.
    Regarding information systems, companies face problems such as disused software
    and a lack of unified data formatting. It is suggested that IT department collaborates with
    software vendors for data importation and arranges for internal staff to participate in
    system training to improve data processing efficiency. Additionally, it is recommended to
    establish a unified filing format and permission rules for project files to protect
    confidential documents. Incomplete company policies suggest establishing comprehensive
    project planning, including creating workbooks clearly outlining job responsibilities and
    contents for each position to ensure consistent project standards.
    In terms of recruitment processes, the unstructured interviews during the interview
    may lead to difficulties for recruited talents to adapt to actual work, thus increasing high
    turnover rates. To optimize recruitment processes, it is suggested to consider structured
    interviews, ensuring candidates meet company requirements through clear questions and
    assessment criteria. Moreover, adding skills tests ensure candidates have the necessary data
    processing and software skills.
    Regarding talent training processes, the current new employee orientations don’t
    work well. It is recommended to hire experienced talents and arrange for new employees to
    learn from senior co-workers in the early stages of employment. Furthermore, for
    employee training, utilizing internal trainer with course content designed based on the
    experience of internal personnel ensures training meets employees needs. To ensure the
    effectiveness of training, companies should implement training performance evaluations:
    recruitment process can use candidate satisfaction to assesse; for new employee training
    processes, the simulations situations of learning level and the observation of behavior level
    can evaluate the learning effects and job performance of new colleagues; employee
    training can use learning and result level evaluations to assess the effectiveness of internal
    trainer and whether training has a direct impact on the overall organization.
    In summary, this study provides solutions to address the project management
    challenges in the case company. Subsequently, providing recommendations to
    practitioners, the case company, and future researchers, so that companies can more
    effectively respond to industry changes and competitive pressures.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110363033
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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