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    Title: 美妝科技與電商平台: 虛擬試妝對美妝消費行為之影響
    Beauty Tech and E-commerce: The Impact of AR Virtual Makeup Try-on on Consumer Buying Behavior
    Authors: 郭庭溦
    Kuo, Tyng-Wei
    Contributors: 白佩玉
    Kuo, Tyng-Wei
    Keywords: 美妝科技
    Beauty Technology
    AR Virtual Makeup Try-on
    Cosmetics Industry
    Customer Experience
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 14:03:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,美妝產業蓬勃發展,呈現嶄新的發展前景。科技進步、智慧型行動裝置普及,再加上 2019 年新冠疫情的衝擊,改變了民眾的消費習慣,使線上購物比例顯著提升。美妝品類在數位化方面尤為明顯,因此線上通路已成為美 妝品牌極為重視的銷售途徑之一。然而,與實體通路相比,線上通路的最大差異在於消費者無法實際觀察和試用商品,使得消費者的感官購物體驗受到限制,成為線上通路的瓶頸之一。為彌補此一差異,許多零售商紛紛尋求科技的協助,解決消費者在線上購物的不便之處。在這些科技方案中,擴增實境科技 (Augmented Reality, AR) 是近年來零售業者廣泛應用的技術之一。透過 AR 技 術,消費者能在虛擬世界中逼真觀察商品,甚至進行試妝等操作,因此被廣泛運用於美妝產業。本研究以台灣本土電商龍頭 Momo 富邦媒與美妝科技公司玩 美移動的合作,在 Momo 電商平台導入 AR 虛擬試妝功能為例,以 Momo 電商 平台的 AR 虛擬試妝功能作為研究對象,以此服務的既有使用者與潛在使用者作為研究對象,以及進一步深入研究:

    1. 探究消費者在使用 AR 虛擬試妝時的動機以及此功能如何影響其購物決策 過程;同時探討潛在使用者未使用 AR 虛擬試妝的原因。
    2. 了解消費者對 Momo 平台上 AR 虛擬試妝功能的使用感受與改善建議。
    3. 探討 Momo 平台上 AR 虛擬試妝功能對消費者的決策過程以及整體電商購

    本論文以質性研究方法進行研究,透過深入訪談的方式,從 670 份問卷選出 12 位具代表性的受訪者進行訪談,經分析與整理,得到以下結論:

    (1)「新奇有趣」和「方便性」為促使消費者使用 AR 虛擬試妝的動機;「功能 資訊有限」為潛在使用者不使用 AR 虛擬試妝的原因 (2) 消費者對於 Momo AR 虛擬試妝功能的使用建議,包括提升其擴增性、生動性與互動性 (3) Momo AR 虛擬試妝使購買信心提升,且使決策速度加快 (4) Momo AR 虛擬試妝在消費 者選購過程的重要性偏低,但能為通路帶來加分效果 (5) Momo AR 虛擬試妝 能有效吸引潛在消費者至 Momo 電商平台消費。

    根據研究分析結果,針對電商平台、美妝科技服務業者和美妝品牌三方企業欲新增、改善或提供 AR 虛擬試妝功能,本論文提出以下具體建議。首先, 對於電商平台而言,在面對相對不普及的美妝科技市場時,建議強化功能的宣 傳與曝光,並與行銷活動緊密結合,以擴大對潛在消費者的影響。鑑於消費者 對此技術應用的相對陌生,建議結合使用教學,確保試妝品質保持一定水準, 同時提升用戶體驗。此外,加強 AR 虛擬試妝功能的生動性、逼真程度與互動性,有助於提高消費者的使用與購買意願,因此在功能開發時應重視這些特點,以提升消費者滿意度及顧客忠誠度。對於美妝科技服務業者,建議在推廣 AR 相關美妝科技服務時,善用新冠疫情後消費者偏好無接觸試妝的趨勢,且強 調 AR 虛擬試妝作為解決實體店面試妝痛點的解方,這有助於擴大 AR 虛擬試妝 功能的企業用戶基礎。最後,針對美妝品牌,建議在推出 AR 虛擬試妝功能 時,優先考慮適合使用 AR 虛擬試妝的產品,而非僅參考品牌熱銷產品。選擇 適合使用 AR 虛擬試妝功能的產品推出相關服務,有助於提升消費者對功能的使用體驗,進而增加品牌好感度。
    In recent years, the cosmetics industry has thrived, presenting new developmental prospects. Technological advancements, widespread use of smart mobile devices, coupled with the impact of the 2019 COVID-19 pandemic, have transformed consumer habits, notably escalating online shopping proportions. Digitalization in the realm of cosmetics stands out prominently, making online channels a pivotal sales avenue significantly valued by cosmetic brands. However, the primary disparity between online and physical channels lies in consumers' inability to physically observe and test products, restricting the sensory shopping experience and becoming a bottleneck for online channels. To address this disparity, numerous retailers are actively seeking technological interventions to alleviate inconveniences faced by consumers while shopping online.

    Among these technological solutions, Augmented Reality (AR) has emerged as one extensively employed technology in the retail sector in recent years. Through AR technology, consumers can realistically observe products in a virtual environment, even engaging in trial makeup, thus finding widespread application in the cosmetics industry. This paper, taking collaboration between Taiwan's leading e-commerce platform, Momo, and beauty tech company, Perfect Corp for example, examines the integration of AR virtual makeup trials on Momo e-commerce platform.

    This paper takes the existing and potential users of AR virtual makeup trials on Momo e-commerce platform as the research object, and further explores the following research questions:

    1. Investigating consumers' motivations when using AR virtual makeup trials and how this function influences their shopping decision-making process. Simultaneously, exploring reasons why potential users refrain from utilizing AR virtual makeup trials.
    2. Understanding consumer sentiments towards and suggestions for improving the AR virtual makeup trials on the Momo platform.
    3. Exploring the impact of the Momo platform's AR virtual makeup trials on consumers' decision-making processes and the overall e-commerce shopping experience, and the impact on consumer purchase intention.

    This paper uses qualitative research methodology, conducting in-depth interviews with 12 representative respondents selected from 670 questionnaires. The analysis and synthesis of these interviews yield the following conclusions:

    (1) "Novelty and interest" alongside "convenience" are key motivators for consumers to use AR virtual makeup trials. The limited functional information is a primary reason for potential users' non-utilization. (2) Consumer recommendations for enhancing Momo's AR virtual makeup trials include elevating their augmentation, vividness, and interactivity. (3) Momo's AR virtual makeup trials boost purchase confidence and expedite decision-making processes. (4) While Momo's AR virtual makeup trials hold relatively lower importance in the consumer purchasing process, they contribute positively to the platform's appeal. (5) Momo's AR virtual makeup trials effectively attract potential consumers to the Momo e-commerce platform.

    Based on the research results, this paper proposes specific recommendations for e-commerce platforms, beauty tech service providers, and beauty brands aiming to add, improve, or provide AR virtual try-on functionalities. Firstly, for e-commerce platforms dealing with the relatively less popular beauty tech market, it is recommended to enhance the promotion and exposure of the AR virtual try-on feature. This can be achieved by closely integrating it with marketing activities to expand its impact on potential consumers. Considering consumers' relative unfamiliarity with this technological application, incorporating instructional guides is advised to ensure that the quality of virtual try-on remains at a certain level while simultaneously enhancing user experience. Additionally, emphasizing the vividness, realism, and interactivity of the AR virtual try-on feature is crucial for increasing consumer usage and purchase intention. For beauty tech service providers, it is suggested to leverage the trend of consumer preference for contactless try-on post the COVID-19 pandemic. Emphasizing AR virtual try-on as a solution to address pain points in physical store try-on experiences can help expand the user base of AR virtual try-on functionalities among businesses. Lastly, for beauty brands introducing AR virtual try-on features, the recommendation is to prioritize products suitable for AR virtual try-on rather than solely relying on brand bestsellers. Launching services related to products suitable for AR virtual try-on can enhance the consumer experience with the feature, consequently increasing brand favorability.
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