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Title: | 影響公辦都更選擇分配房地因素之研究 –以臺北市信義區為例 The Factors Affecting the Allocation of Renewed Properties in Public Urban Renewal Projects - The Xinyi District in Taipei City as an Example |
Authors: | 李建凱 Lee, Chien-Kai |
Contributors: | 林左裕 Lin, Tsoyu-Cavin 李建凱 Lee, Chien-Kai |
Keywords: | 公辦都更 分配選擇 地主選擇行為 Public urban renewal Allocation choice Landowner’s choice behavior |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 13:57:24 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 依都市更新條例第3條第7款規定,參與都市更新地主及相關權利人可以權擇分配更新後房地或權利金,即法律賦予其有選擇不分配土地及建築物,而領取現金之權利。惟都市更新倘地主等選擇不分配更新後房地,將會造成都市更新財務壓力,尤其是公辦都更評選民間出資人的情況,須於招商前確實了解地主分配需求,否則將影響都市更新能否順利進行。因此本研究認為有必要探討影響其選擇更新後房地因素,進而研擬策略提升其選擇更新後房地意願,避免參與都市更新地主選擇領取現金而移出,增加都市更新財務負擔,並有利於公辦都更招商規劃。 臺北市是全臺都市更新核定案件最多的都市,而臺北市信義區是全臺的金融商務中心,除信義計畫區外,周圍8成以上為30年以上房屋,耐震能力不佳而有安全疑慮,其更新後住宅單元均價可達100萬/坪以上的水準,具有推動都市更新的誘因及必要性,更有多處大規模的公有土地閒置需要活化再利用,且107年臺北市公劃更新地區面積為78.84公頃,為臺北市各行政區最多,因此本研究以臺北市信義區公辦都更範圍內有權選擇更新後房地的私地主等決策者為對象,進行問卷調查,採用二元羅吉特迴歸模型(Binary Logistic Regression Model)進行分析,探討影響其選擇更新後房地因素。 依據實證分析結果,本研究提出實務上建議如下:對於個人偏好需求不選擇更新後房地者,可規範由公辦都更出資人支付權利金,並由其取得領取人權利參與都更,以降低公辦都更實施者財務壓力。另對於重建期間、公設比、大樓管理費及分配時找補金額,應盡可能滿足決策者對於更新後房地之需求,避免導致決策者不願選擇分配更新後房地,另倘前期調查認為地主等需求認知不合理應提出溝通,以利取得共識等建議。期望透過上述實務上的策略調整,進而提升地主等決策者選擇更新後房地意願,降低公辦都更實施者財務壓力,並有利於公辦都更實務上之執行。 According to Article 3, Subparagraph 7 of the Urban Renewal Act, the landowners and related rights holders in urban renewal projects have the right to choose between receiving "land and buildings after renewal" and "a sum of money". The latter gives them the choice not to allocate land and buildings but receiving cash. However, in urban renewal projects, if the landowners choose not to allocate the renewal land and buildings, it will cause financial pressure on urban renewal projects, especially in the case of public urban renewal projects that require private funding. It is necessary to understand the allocation needs of the landowners before investment, otherwise it will affect the performance of urban renewal, whether it went smoothly. Therefore, this study believes that it is necessary to explore the factors that affect the choice of renewal land and buildings, enhance the willingness of landowners choosing renewal land and buildings and avoid landowners choosing to receive cash which increasing the financial burden of urban renewal projects. The study result will be beneficial for public urban renewal projects planning. This study conducted a questionnaire survey on private landowners, who have the right to choose renewal land and buildings within the scope of public urban renewal area in Xinyi District, Taipei City. The study used a Binary Logistic Regression Model to analyze the factors that affect their choice of renewal land and buildings. Based on the empirical analysis results, this study proposes practical adjustment suggestions as follows: for those who do not choose renewal land and buildings due to personal preference, public urban renewal investors can pay a sum of money and obtain the right to participate in urban renewal and be allocated renewal land and buildings, which can reduce the financial pressure on public urban renewal project implementers. In addition, during the construction period, public facility ratio, buildings management fees, and compensation amounts during distribution, decision-makers' demands for renewal land and buildings should be met as much as possible to avoid causing them to choose not to be allocated land and buildings. If the initial investigation finds that landowners' perceptions are unreasonable, communication should be initiated to reach a consensus. It is expected that through the above practical adjustments, the willingness of landowners and other decision-makers to choose renewal land and buildings can be enhanced, the financial pressure on public urban renewal project implementers can be reduced, and the implementation of public urban renewal projects can be facilitated. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 地政學系碩士在職專班 108923016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108923016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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