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    Title: 我國國民對認知作戰之危害感知與影響
    Hazard Perception and Impact of R.O.C. Citizens on Cognitive Warfare
    Authors: 黃鴻澤
    Huang, Hong-Ze
    Contributors: 蔡中民
    Tsai, Chong-Min
    Huang, Hong-Ze
    Keywords: 認知作戰
    Cognitive warfare
    Risk perception
    Mediated moderation
    Emotional response
    Cognitive dissonance
    Framing effects
    Cognitive bias
    Social identity
    Cognitive reframing
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 13:54:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年中國大陸透過對媒體話語的嚴格控制,以及輿論和法律層面的操作,積極地利用金錢、人脈和多層面的網路媒體資訊,塑造偽裝善意或實際惡意的意識形態,直接強化其希望展現的實力形象。不僅鞏固了國內人民的思想,同時實際上也影響了民主國家公民的心理和思維。民眾接受來自各種管道的資訊後,會在意識中形成特定的意識形態或信念,傾向於尋找與自己觀點一致的資訊,且認知和應對態度很容易受到特定觀點的議題影響。認知作戰是國家戰略的一部分,其目的在於確保對敘事的合法性和主導權,無論是政治、經濟、軍事或是科技等各方面的議題,都是透過特定媒介來形塑民眾所期望的模樣。
    In recent years, China has wielded strict control over media narratives and operational strategies, shaping ideologies that may appear benevolent but harbor underlying malevolence. Cognitive warfare is a key part of China's strategy, leveraging various media channels to control narratives in politics, economics, military, and technology. Media plays a pivotal role in influencing Taiwanese citizens' perceptions on specific issues, encompassing communication, written content, audiovisual media, and online platforms.
    This study uses a questionnaire to survey two groups: Taiwan's military personnel (students and civilians included) and non-military individuals. It aims to understand their media exposure and comprehension of international situations and war awareness. Through in-depth interviews, the study seeks to reveal differences in information exposure, lifestyle, and perspectives between these groups.
    The statistical and interview results reveal that mainland China employs symbolic representation in cognitive warfare against Taiwan, using major media outlets and information channels to disseminate both positive and negative cognitive warfare information. The overall impact on surveyed citizens reaches a social identity, with a strong direct effect. Most respondents and interviewees believe that other countries, primarily the United States, continue cognitive warfare against Taiwan, indicating a prevailing sense of uncertainty among the populace. The research findings aim to provide data and information for the government, research institutions, and defense units regarding the risk management and countermeasures of cognitive warfare.
    Reference: 壹、英文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0111921318
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