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Title: | 決策疲勞對作業風險管理之影響-以國軍幹部為例 Impacts of Decision Fatigue on Operational Risk Management – Case of Military Leaders |
Authors: | 陳亭甫 Chen, Ting-Fu |
Contributors: | 王信實 Wang, Shinn Shyr 陳亭甫 Chen, Ting-Fu |
Keywords: | 作業風險管理 決策疲勞 精神疲勞 認知負荷 Operational risk management Decision fatigue Mental depletion Cognitive load |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 13:54:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 風險管理,是有效掌握未來不確定性的管理作為;對可能影響戰略規劃或目標實現之因素採取系統化的管控程序,以達成企業組織目標或創造價值之目的。國軍推動作業風險管理策略已然成熟、組織發展完備,惟訓練意外危安事件偶有所聞;反思風險管理理論架構,以客觀風險理論之學術主流基礎,重新審視人為因素對於個人心裡風險感知與損益評估之見解,延伸思考風險建構理論,進而探討組織文化修正空間。 風險管理步驟之風險辨識仰賴個人敏銳度的心理認知需求,而內心意志在有限負荷能力下,可能產生精神疲勞而影響風險決策。決策疲勞,係長時間決策過程後決策質量下降,可能原因與決策複雜性、反覆行為、精神疲勞有關;高度認知負荷的精神情況下,可能會採取保守、默認的或現有的結果來做出簡化的風險決策。 本研究採問卷調查國軍現役軍官幹部在反覆工作行為模式、複雜性決策、精神疲勞等交互作用關係下,探討決策疲勞對作業風險管理之影響;驗證結果背景因素對於反覆工作行為模式、複雜性決策有顯著差異,發現精神疲勞之部分中介、調節作用,歸納決策疲勞對作業風險管理形成顯著正相關之影響。 結論與建議以「權重區分概念」、「風險策略矩陣」、「快速風險決策」等作法,提高在執行階層面臨動態風險的應處韌性,發展更經濟有效的組織管理模式,克服戰場環境臨機變數。 Risk management involves effectively handling the management of future uncertainties. It entails implementing systematic control procedures for factors that may impact strategic planning or the achievement of objectives, ultimately aiming to fulfill organizational goals or create value. The military has matured in its operational risk management strategy and organizational development; however, occasional occurrences of unforeseen security incidents during training highlight the need for a reflective analysis of the theoretical framework of risk management. Taking the academic mainstream foundation of objective risk theory as a basis, a reevaluation of the perception and assessment of individual psychological risk in light of human factors is essential. This prompts an extended consideration of risk construction theory, leading to an exploration of the potential for organizational culture adjustments. The identification step in the risk management process relies on the cognitive needs of individual awareness, and the inner will, under limited cognitive capacity, may experience decision fatigue, potentially influencing risk decisions. Decision fatigue refers to a decrease in decision quality after prolonged decision-making processes, often associated with decision complexity, repetitive behavior, and mental depletion. In conditions of high cognitive load, individuals may adopt conservative, default, or existing outcomes to simplify risk decisions. This study employs a questionnaire survey to investigate the impact of decision fatigue on operational risk management among active-duty military officer personnel. Exploring the interactive relationships between repetitive work behavior patterns, complex decision-making, and mental depletion, the research validates significant differences in background factors affecting repetitive work behavior patterns and decision complexity. The findings suggest that mental depletion plays a mediating and moderating role, concluding that decision fatigue significantly correlates with the formation of operational risk management. In conclusion, recommendations include the incorporation of concepts such as "weighting differentiation," "risk strategy matrix," and "rapid risk decision-making" to enhance resilience in facing dynamic risks at the executive level. By developing more economically effective organizational management models, it becomes possible to overcome the variable nature of the battlefield environment. |
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