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    Title: 社群媒體災難新聞報導與閱聽人留言情緒之研究:以俄烏戰爭為例
    Emotions of Audience Comments towards Disaster Reporting on Social Media: Case Study of Russia-Ukraine War
    Authors: 江曉琳
    Kwong, Hiu-Lam
    Contributors: 許志堅
    Sheu, Jyh-Jian
    Kwong, Hiu-Lam
    Keywords: 俄烏戰爭
    Russia-Ukraine War
    disaster communication
    emotional responses
    social media news
    thick data analysis
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 13:50:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   2022年2月,俄羅斯正式宣布向烏克蘭展開軍事行動,俄烏戰爭隨即爆發,戰事至今造成多人死傷,烏克蘭當地飽受戰火摧殘,生靈塗炭、民不聊生。由於俄烏關係與台海兩岸的歷史脈絡具有相似點,俄烏戰爭受到台灣社會廣泛重視,部分支持者打著「今日烏克蘭,明日台灣」的旗號,呼籲民眾關注戰爭局勢並聲援烏克蘭。烏克蘭總統澤倫斯基亦憑著抵抗敵國的決心,獲美國《時代》雜誌選為2022年的風雲人物。
      In February 2022, Russia officially announced the special military operation in Ukraine, which indicated the outbreak of Russia-Ukraine War. Since then, the warfare has caused thousands of people to get injured, lose their home, and even get killed. On the other side of the world, people in Taiwan are paying attention to the war because there are similarities in historical contexts between Russia-Ukraine and Taiwan Strait relationships. Some supporters aim at pursuing others to focus on the war, by pointing out “Today’s Ukraine, tomorrow’s Taiwan”. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the President of Ukraine, has been elected as Person of the Year by Time magazine in 2022, muchly due to his determination to protect his country from invasion.
      Taking Russia-Ukraine War as a disaster example, this research aims at analyzing war news reports and emotional responses of audience on social media, by a combination of big data and thick data methodologies. Such news reports and comments have been collected from six Taiwanese media, including ChinaTimes, United Daily News, Liberty Times, Eastern Television, Sanlih Television and TVBS. At first, big data analysis has been performed. Then, two issues, “Russia-Ukraine War development” and “Zelenskyy-related topic”, has been selected for further thick data analysis, which includes identifying news themes, types of emotion and targets of emotion expressed. At the end, differences of audience’s emotions can be compared by using stage-of-war, news theme and media dimensions.
      Results reveal that news reports of Russia-Ukraine War concentrate at the early stages of war. Although the number of reports surged up occasionally during the progress, it cannot reach the same level at the early stages. From the stage-of-war dimension, “satire” is the major emotional responses of audience in every stage of war. On the issue of “Russia-Ukraine War development”, audience feel “enthusiastic” towards Ukraine and “angry” towards Russia in general. Speaking of news theme, “satire” is still the dominating emotion, and the targets of emotion expressed depend on themes. By comparing emotional responses in different media, this research identifies two types of audience: “conformist” and “resistists”. Conformists join government’s stance to support Ukraine, and are probably the audience of pan-Green or neutral media. On the other hand, resistists tend to be readers of pan-Blue media, and they usually satirize the situation in Ukraine.
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