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    题名: 家事事件程序監理人與家事調查官之研究
    A Study on the Guardian Ad Litem and the Family Matter Investigation Officers
    作者: 吳明耀
    Wu, Ming Yaw
    贡献者: 劉明生
    Wu, Ming Yaw
    关键词: 家事事件
    Family Matters
    Guardian Ad Litem
    Family Matter Investigation Officers
    日期: 2024
    上传时间: 2024-03-01 13:48:46 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 基於人性尊嚴及憲法第7、16、22條賦予人民平等權、訴訟權及基本權精神,我國家事事件法對於無程序能力人,或當事人雖有程序能力而其意思認知及社會經驗有欠缺者,尤其無程序能力人或程序能力不足者,若涉有民事權利義務訴訟或非訟案件之審理時,而無適當法定代理人或其與法定代理人利益有所衝突之虞及不能使行情況下,為保障弱勢一方之實際利益、考量情感糾結、親情私密性及未來展望性等等因素,新制定了家事事件法,該法增設有別於民事訴訟中已存在之調解委員及社會工作者模式以外之家事事件程序監理人及家事調查官之完全創新制度。
    In accordance with and the general principles of human dignity, the Articles 7 (the right of equality), 16 (the right of litigation) and 22 (other fundamental rights) of the Constitution, the Family Matters Act provides for the appointment of Guardian Ad Litem and Family Matter Investigation Officers in matters where a party has no capacity, has limited capacity but lacks understanding to common matters or social experiences and has no suitable guardian or if there is a conflict of interest between the party and their guardian. The inclusion of the appointment of Guardian Ad Litem and Family Matter Investigation Officers in the new Family Law Act is to best promote the interest of the vulnerable party, taking into account of family dynamic, privacy and future prospect and other relevant considerations. This new invention departs from the existing mediation system and the utilization of social workers the in the Civil Procedure Act.
    Given there are significant consequences to the promotion of the best interests of the vulnerable party including minors, their right to be heard and procedural fairness, this paper aims to explore matters relevant to the appointment of Guardian Ad Litem and Family Matter Investigation Officer, including but not limited to the legal status, appointment, duties and obligations of a Guardian Ad Litem, the types of matters that fall within the purview of the Family Matter Investigation Officer, the depth of the investigation and the prerequisite before matter can be investigate/a Family Matter Investigation Officer can be appointed.
    The Family Law Act was passed in 2012 after a series of twists and turns during its drafting and legislating. The contents of the Act took reference from other jurisdiction but did not fully adopt a single Code such as the German Code or the Japanese Code. Attempts were made to encompass Young Persons Act, Non-Contentious Matter Act, Civil Mediation Procedure, Family Law Matters Procedure and Civil Enforcement Act. There may be room for improvement in terms of the wording of the Act, but it is first of its kind in the way that it encompasses and combines different procedures and proceedings to achieve unity, systemization and process streamlining.
    There are doubts that the drafting and the legislative process was rushed due to political pressure. Issues arose as the Act came into effect, especially in relation to Guardians Ad Litem and Family Matter Investigation Officer. The responsible Authorities made several attempts to fill in the gap to supplement the Act by way of Regulations. In addition, there are several high-profile custody matters that sparked the interest of the public, academia, practitioners and the Authorities. Through my research, discussion and suggestion, I aim am to shed some light on these issues and welcome further comments.
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    1. 表01 不發律師證書及不得選任為程序監理人規定比較表。
    2. 表02 少年及家事法院員額表。
    3. 表03 國家考試級等與薦任職等對造表。
    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110961048
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