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    Title: 全球化時代美國數位公眾外交之發展
    Development of The U.S. Digital Public Diplomacy in The Era of Globalization
    Authors: 黃佩瑄
    Huang, Pei-Hsuan
    Contributors: 李明
    Huang, Pei-Hsuan
    Keywords: 全球化
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
    Digital Public Diplomacy
    George W. Bush
    Barack Obama
    Donald Trump
    Joe Biden
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 13:46:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在公眾重要性提升、非國家行為者興起的全球化時代,除了國家之間的傳統外交,國家也需要透過公眾外交與公眾、非國家行為者交流互動、建立關係。而全球化伴隨的資通訊科技發展,使得網路與數位媒體日益普及、人工智慧等數位科技日新月異,促使各行各業開始朝向數位化轉型。因此,公眾外交朝向數位化轉型是必然的趨勢,「數位公眾外交」的概念因此油然而生。

    Globalization has propelled the rise of publics and non-state actors. Apart from the traditional diplomacy, governments also need to engage in public diplomacy to interact and build relationships with publics and non-state actors. The pervasive influence of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the era of globalization has popularized the use of the Internet and digital media, driving rapid advancements in technologies like artificial intelligence. The development of ICT has prompted various industries to embark on digitalization. Consequently, the inevitable trend is for public diplomacy to undergo digitalization, giving rise to the concept of “Digital Public Diplomacy.”

    This thesis therefore delves into the concept and content of Digital Public Diplomacy. It focuses on the United States, a leading hub of ICT development and the birthplace of public diplomacy, exploring how the U.S. government utilizes ICT to interact with the public. It begins by tracing the evolution of public diplomacy concept in the era of globalization, followed by the establishment of the concept and interdisciplinary content of Digital Public Diplomacy. Finally, it analyzes the policies and actions of four U.S. presidents: George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden. The research finding of this article indicates that the Digital Public Diplomacy of the U.S. has undergone a long process of germination, adaptation, turbulence, and development.
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    三、 法文部分
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