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Title: | 那是你的職責: 從《黛安莎的作為》中翻轉維多利亞時期的性別規範 “That's Your Duty”: Transgressing Victorian Gender Norms in Charlotte P. Gilman's What Diantha Did |
Authors: | 陳君慧 Chen, Jiun-Huei |
Contributors: | 陳音頤 Chen, Eva Y.I. 陳君慧 Chen, Jiun-Huei |
Keywords: | 夏洛特.吉爾曼 性別規範 家庭 家庭天使 Charlotte Gilman Gender norms Victorian era The Angel in the House |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 12:42:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 夏洛特.吉爾曼的作品《黛安莎的作為》中討論黛安莎如何勇於脫離家庭的禁錮並追尋自我實現,但家庭之於女性的意義與家族男性成員的觀點卻甚少被提及。本論文旨在剖析19世紀末和20世紀初的家庭概念如何成為女性的束縛,並從男性視角分析為何家族男性聽聞女性在經濟方面獨立與自我成長感到恐慌,進而雙邊放下己見和睦共處。 本論文分為兩大主軸,前三章主要提及黛安莎在自我實現與社會期待的理想女性中斡旋,其中以西蒙.波娃的《第二性》、考文垂.派特摩的《家庭天使》輔佐說明社會已經為女性制定框架,強調黛安莎面臨的困境,以及邁入職場後與其他婦女組成學習型互助社團,幫助彼此共同成長。最後兩章以男性家庭成員的視角與社會賦予男性的責任分析為何男主角羅斯屢屢抨擊黛安莎在職場上的成就,在旁人的勸說下,羅斯放下偏見與黛安莎重歸於好。吉爾曼也在文中翻轉了過往維多利亞時期女性居家、男性剛強的形象,也旨在呼籲讀者以包容的視角看待兩性特質。 What Diantha Did (1910) mainly narrates how Diantha frees herself from the domestic confinement, and achieves her ambition. Nonetheless, the significance of domestic spaces to women and the objection from male family members are rarely discussed. The main purpose of my thesis are going to discuss two things; one is exploring how the domestic concept in late 19th century to early 20th century become the prison for women. The other is the rationale behind men’s insecurity about women’s economic independence would be discussed in the thesis. The thesis can be divided into two sections. The first half mentions how Diantha deals with the struggle between her own ideals and the social expectations to be a good wife at home. I would exemplify Diantha’s struggle while facing the social frame for women to be submissive from Simone de Beauvoir’s Second Sex and Coventry Patmore’s Angel in the House. Also, Diantha and Isabel challenge the good wives’ norms in Orchardina, forming the clubs to help women to improve themselves and having professions. I would analyze from men’s perspectives and social expectations to men to explain why Ross ignores Diantha’s success in her workplace. In the end, Diantha and Ross reconcile with each other and embrace the harmony by their neighbor’s persuasion. Gilman transgresses the Victorian gender norms that women should be fragile and men should be tough in the text, advocating her readers to be more inclusive in terms of gender traits. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 110551016 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0110551016 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [Department of English] Theses
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