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    Title: 關鍵提問在高中國文教學社群之行動實踐研究
    Action Research on Critical Questioning in the High School Chinese Literature Teaching Community
    Authors: 李榮哲
    Lee, Jung-Che
    Contributors: 詹志禹
    Zhan, Zhi-Yu
    Lee, Jung-Che
    Keywords: 關鍵提問
    critical questioning
    teacher professional learning community
    teaching practice
    inquiry process
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 12:39:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 提問是教師最常使用的教學策略,而教師專業學習社群是提供教師專業成長的重要路徑。然而,有效的提問策略具備什麼特性?而怎樣的社群模式或經營策略才能有效促進教師的專業成長或教學實踐的動機?
    Questioning is a commonly used teaching strategy by teachers, and teacher professional learning communities are important pathways for providing professional growth for teachers. However, what characteristics does an effective questioning strategy possess? And what types of community models or management strategies can effectively promote teachers' professional growth and motivation in their teaching practices?
    Critical questioning is a questioning strategy that stimulates learners' critical thinking and fosters an inquiry process. This study focuses on "critical questioning" and investigates its application and impact on both teacher communities and high school Chinese language instruction.
    The researcher himself participated in a questioning teaching community as the subjects of the study, conducting a one-year investigation into "critical questioning" with other community members. After going through stages of community development, practice, and integration, not only did the members' understanding of "critical questioning" change, but they also demonstrated self-empowerment in their own teaching practices. Additionally, they discovered that critical questioning had effects on students such as triggering inquiry, self-questioning, and learning transfer. By analyzing data from community operation records, individual interview records, and reflective notes, the essential results of the study are as follows:
    1.Critical questioning can initiate an inquiry process and effectively stimulate learners' critical thinking skills, creative thinking skills, and self-questioning abilities.
    2.Critical questioning helps educators design questions from the perspective of learners as active participants in the learning process while observing concrete changes in learners during instruction.
    3.Critical questioning is a pedagogical mindset that combines learning content with effective question strategies and interactive processes.
    4.Critical questioning can shape an atmosphere of inquiry within a community while motivating teaching practices to foster transformative change within the community.
    Finally, based on these research findings, recommendations were provided for teachers who are interested in critical questioning as well as future researchers in this field.
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