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Title: | 華語YouTube影片作為多媒體跨文化學習資源個案研究——以李姉妹ch教學頻道為例 The Study on Adoption of CSL YouTube Videos as Cross-Cultural Learning Materials-A Case Study about Lee Sister Ch |
Authors: | 高怡麟 Kao, I-Lin |
Contributors: | 舒兆民 高怡麟 Kao,I-Lin |
Keywords: | YouTube 跨文化 內容分析法 自媒體 華語學習資源 YouTube Self-media Cross-cultural Content analysis method Mandarin learning resources |
Date: | 2024 |
Issue Date: | 2024-03-01 12:37:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在全球新冠疫情的影響下,遠距學習及線上教育受到廣泛重視,尤其是YouTube平台更成為許多學習者學習外語的重要管道,透過YouTube,學習者不僅可獲得語言的知識,亦可獲得交際與趣聞等文化知識。為瞭解現行新型媒體如YouTube做為以華語為外語學習的跨文化教學資源的適用性,本研究即透過對YouTube影片以及觀眾留言的內容進行分析並參考對影片創作者的訪談,以了解影片中的文化類型、觀眾的回應狀況、以及YouTube頻道主的創作理念與準則。 YouTube媒體素材則挑選具代表性、訂閱人數眾多、且於近年持續更新之頻道「李姉妹ch」,選取該頻道被觀看次數最高之30支影片,並依照文獻所彙整之13類文化編碼架構對其所涵蓋的文化內容進行編碼後,針對不同文化類別進行統計分析,以了解這30支影片是否涵蓋文化元素及涵蓋了何種文化元素、以及在此新興媒體中不同文化內涵出現的次數與頻率。結果顯示這30支影片大多包含一到數個文化內涵,其中,小c文化所佔比例最高(57%),其次依序為詞語文化合計15支(50%),民族文化14支(47%),得知小c文化更有益於外語學習且更應被著重,顯示跨文化議題為YouTube華語教學影片中重要元素,且能提供不同的跨文化議題予日籍學習者,令學習者透過聲像資訊、交際語言、情態動作去感知教學內容。 藉由分析影片下的留言,發現「李姉妹ch」的影片中的文化內涵確實能傳達給影片的觀眾,帶有文化意涵的華語教學影片,確實能引起學習者興趣並促進反思,激發情意、認知乃至後設認知諸多學習面向。透過分析過往對李氏姊妹的半結構訪談中也發現,「李姉妹ch」為了兼顧教學與市場需求,而選擇了跨文化的面向搭配日常生活議題作為影片的設計元素,凸顯YouTube影片作為華語學習資源的獨特優勢,值得教學者思考借鏡。 Under the influence of the global COVID-19 pandemic, remote learning and online education have been widely emphasized. Particularly, the YouTube platform has become an important channel for many learners to study foreign languages. Through YouTube, learners can not only acquire language knowledge but also gain cultural knowledge such as socialization and interesting facts. To understand the applicability of current new media like YouTube as a cross-cultural teaching resource for learning Mandarin as a foreign language, this study analyzes the content of YouTube videos and viewer comments. It also refers to interviews with video creators to understand the cultural types in the videos, audience responses, and the creative ideas and criteria of YouTube channel owners. YouTube media materials were selected from the channel “Lee Sister ch”, which is representative, has a large number of subscribers, and has been continuously updated in recent years. The 30 videos with the highest views on this channel were selected. They were then coded according to the 13 cultural coding frameworks compiled in the literature to analyze the cultural content covered. Statistical analysis was conducted on different cultural categories to understand whether these 30 videos cover cultural elements, what cultural elements are covered, and the frequency of appearance of different cultural contents in this emerging media. The results show that most of these 30 videos contain one to several cultural contents, with small "c" culture accounting for the highest proportion (57%), followed by word culture with a total of 15 videos (50%), and ethnic culture with 14 videos (47%). It was found that small "c" culture is more beneficial for foreign language learning and should be emphasized more. This indicates that cross-cultural issues are important elements in YouTube Mandarin teaching videos and can provide different cross-cultural topics for Japanese learners, enabling learners to perceive teaching content through audiovisual information, communicative language, and modal actions. Through the analysis of comments under the videos, it was found that the cultural contents in the videos of “Lee Sister ch” could indeed be conveyed to the audience of the videos. Mandarin teaching videos with cultural implications can indeed arouse learners' interest and promote reflection, stimulating various learning aspects including emotion, cognition, and metacognition. Through analyzing past semi-structured interviews with the “Lee Sister ch”, it was also found that “Lee Sister ch” chose a cross-cultural aspect combined with daily life topics as the design elements of the videos to balance teaching and market demand, highlighting the unique advantages of YouTube videos as Mandarin learning resources, which is worthy of educators' consideration and reference. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩博士學位學程 110161008 |
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