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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/150127
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    Title: 論公司控制者於併購交易中之資訊揭露義務
    Controllers’ Duty of Disclosure in M&A Transactions
    Authors: 劉映姍
    Liu, Ying-Shan
    Contributors: 朱德芳
    Chu, Te-Fang
    Liu, Ying-Shan
    Keywords: 企業併購
    Merger and Acquisition
    Information Asymmetry
    Controlling Shareholders
    Fiduciary Duty
    Information Disclosure
    Duty of Disclosure
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 12:35:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 企業併購中,存在管理層及控制者濫用其控制力及資訊優勢以攫取私利之風險,「資訊揭露」便是國際上常見用以抑制管理層及控制者以保障少數股東權益之重要手段。惟我國現行之企業併購法及相關法制對於資訊揭露之規範相當不足,尤其面對公司控制者之濫權,更欠缺相應之責任及義務規範。司法院於2018年11月30日作成釋字第770號解釋,固然促成了2022年企業併購法之修正,然原先經濟部提出之修正草案第5之1條增訂特定股東之資訊揭露義務規範,最終卻胎死腹中。我國實務上不乏目標公司之控制者站在交易兩端為所欲為,卻未向公司之少數股東說明其與併購方有何等之經營、投資或合作等關係等,對少數股東權益保障而言,相當不足。
    In M&A, information disclosure is used to avert corporate management and controllers extracting private benefits from minority shareholders due to their advantages of information asymmetry and power of control. Nevertheless, the duty of disclosure in Taiwan is not yet fully regulated by the laws, especially controllers’ responsibilities and duties. The Grand Justice of the Judicial Yuan made Interpretation No. 770 on November 30, 2018, contributing to the amendment of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act. Unfortunately, the disclosure regulation of majority shareholders proposed in the draft amendments was deleted at last. In other words, the protection issue of minority shareholders remains.
    Therefore, this thesis studies on controllers’ duty of disclosure in the M&A transaction. In the beginning, introducing the importance of information disclosure in the M&A transaction. In Chapter 2, this thesis analyzed M&A disclosure regulations in Taiwan and pointed out the lack of corporate controllers, then referring to the comparative legislation, court opinions and scholarship about the definition and duty of controllers, as well as the statutory disclosure item in Chapters 3 and Chapter 4. Last, based on the comparative law study, this paper takes into account Taiwan’s current status and proposes possible legislation as the conclusion in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.
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    (四)、 期刊
    8. Note. (2020). Controller Confusion: Realigning Controlling Stockholders and Controlled Boards. Harvard Law Review, 133:1706-27.
    9. Anabtawi, Iman and Lynn Stout. (2008). Fiduciary Duties for Activist Shareholders. Stanford Law Review, 60:1255-308.
    10. Cohen, Zipora. (1991). Fiduciary Duties of Controlling Shareholders: a Comparative View. University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Business, 12:379-410.
    11. Dammann, Jens. (2015). The Controlling Shareholder's General Duty of Care: A Dogma That Should Be Abandoned. University of Illinois Law Review:479-506.
    12. Denlow, Morton. (2003). The Motion for a Preliminary Injunction: Time for a Uniform Federal Standard. Review of Litigation, 22:495-540.
    13. Lim, Ernest. (2018). Controlling shareholders and fiduciary duties in Asia. Journal of Corporate Law Studies, 18:113-50.
    14. Thompson, Robert B. (2009). Delaware’s Disclosure: Moving the Line of Federal-State Corporate Regulation. University of Illinois Law Review, 2009:167-90.
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    Description: 碩士
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