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    Title: 中國參與亞洲多邊機制的先決條件:瀾滄江-湄公河合作的案例研究
    Preconditions for China to Engage in Multilateral Institutions in Asia: A Case Study of the Lancang-Mekong-Cooperation
    Authors: 何磊德
    Holland, Leonard
    Contributors: 楊雯婷
    Yang, Florence
    Holland, Leonard
    Keywords: 瀾滄江-湄公河合作
    Lancang-Mekong Cooperation
    Southeast Asia
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 12:33:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中華人民共和國積極尋求在亞洲地區主義中發揮日益突出的作用。 在過去的十多年裡,中國發起成立了多個多邊組織。 然而,對許多西方觀察家來說,其根本機制仍難以掌握。 本研究旨在透過調查中國加入或建立亞洲此類組織並在其中發揮領導作用的原因,填補這一特定的研究空白。 本具體案例研究關注的是瀾滄江-湄公河合作,因為它在中國外交政策的新思路中佔據重要地位,但迄今為止學術界對其興趣不大。 更重要的是,分析中國多邊地區主義新方法的框架少之又少,未能跟上最新的政治發展,尤其是在西方學術界。 因此,本研究重溫了趙穗生 2010 年的一篇論文,以解釋中國在地區多邊背景下的行為。 研究結果表明,雖然作者的許多論點仍能解釋中國的多邊行為,但整個框架已跟不上過去十年的發展,需要在重要領域進行修訂。 透過增加新的元素,本論文更新了趙的框架,並確保其在當前國內和國際背景下的可行性。
    The People’s Republic of China seeks a prominent role in Asian regionalism. In the last decade this has led to the establishment of Chinese-initiated multilateral organizations. Yet, the underlying mechanisms remain hard to grasp. This study aims to fill this research gap by investigating the reasons that make the country establish such organizations in Asia and assuming a leadership role. This specific cases study is concerned with the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation, as it takes an important place in China’s new approach to foreign policy but received little scholarly interest so far. What is more, frameworks that analyze the PRC’s novel approach to multilateral regionalism are few and far between and fail to keep up with the most recent political developments, especially in the Western academic community. Hence, this study revisits a 2010 paper by Zhao Suisheng to explain the country’s behavior in in a regional, multilateral context. The results suggest that while many of the author's arguments still explain Chinese multilateral behavior, the framework in its entirety cannot keep up with the development of the last decade and needs to be revised in significant areas. By adding new elements thes thesis updates Zhao’s framework and ensures its viability in the current domestic and international context.
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