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    Title: 以子公司和代理商擴充在亞洲之營運-以高科技公司為例
    Expanding Business in Asia with Subsidiaries and Distributors: The Case of a High-Tech Company
    Authors: 陳宏棋
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Keywords: 多國企業
    Multinational enterprise
    Taiwanese networking communications industry
    International market operation model
    Parent-subsidiary relationship
    Subsidiary role
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 11:56:38 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣多國企業在進行海外布局時,不論是創造代工的成本優勢或是經營品牌的差異化策略,必須深思如何因應每個國家環境與文化差異,以發展適合自己的經營方式,展現相對競爭力,並確保企業競爭力能之持續與成長。
    (一) 獨資模式最重要在於: 地主國商業誠信與;母公司高階經理人常駐,
    (二) 子公司對於母公司的戰略定位策略:
    1.印度個案,地主國策略重要性高,子公司資源與能力中低。驗證處在Bartlett & Ghoshal (1989) 提出「子公司一般性角色」中的「黑洞」。母公司2012年將其從合資子公司轉型成獨資子公司,就是有計畫性提升該子公司的資源與能力,後續茁壯成「策略領袖」。
    2.韓國個案,地主國策略重要性屬中等,子公司資源與能力高,驗證介於「子公司一般性角色」中的「貢獻者」與「策略領袖」之間。母公司2012年從代理(授權) 模式轉型為合資子公司,透過新建立的在地團隊深耕市場,確立子公司新團隊的資源與能力直接扮演「貢獻者」+「策略領袖」角色,可以彈性配合母公司的策略與資源,也讓韓國扮演「類策略領袖」提供母公司東北亞市場商業訊息與脈動。
    3.日本、澳洲個案,地主國策略重要性高,但並未成立子公司。多國母公司可持續以代理 (授權) 模式來擴充,等待時機尋覓合適的在地專業經理人或可信賴的合資伙伴,再適時投入資源,跨入「子公司一般性角色」中的「黑洞」,成為多國企業國際佈建的一份子。
    When Taiwanese multinational enterprises (MNEs) expand overseas, they must meticulously assess how to navigate the diverse environments and cultures of each country. This is paramount for crafting a tailored business model, showcasing competitive advantages, and ensuring enduring growth.
    This study delves into the operations of a Taiwanese networking communications enterprise in the Asian market from 2012 to 2015. It delves into how these firms strategize their organizational frameworks and execute business strategies across nations marked by distinct political, economic, and cultural landscapes, as well as intricate business ecosystems. The objective is to effectively fulfill the mandates and objectives set by their parent companies.
    Key findings include:
    1. Critical factors for the wholly owned subsidiary model:
    The level of business integrity within the host country. The presence of senior managers from the parent company. These factors facilitate heightened levels of institutionalized management for business partners, customers, and local employees. Consequently, the strategic direction of the MNE parent company is effectively disseminated and implemented in the host country. Conversely, joint ventures must assess the presence of incentive mechanisms for local business partners and employees, as well as any legal constraints.
    2. Subsidiary strategic positioning in relation to the parent company:
    (1)In the case of India: The host country strategy holds high importance, while the subsidiary's resources and capabilities are medium-low.The parent company's strategic move to transform the subsidiary from a joint venture to a wholly owned subsidiary in 2012 significantly bolstered its resources and capabilities. Subsequently, the subsidiary evolved into a "strategic leader."
    (2)In the case of South Korea: The host country strategy holds moderate importance, while the subsidiary's resources and capabilities are high. The transformation of the subsidiary from a distribution model to a joint venture in 2012 allowed the newly established local team to cultivate the market and fortify its resources and capabilities. This enabled the subsidiary to directly assume roles as a "contributor" and "strategic leader," offering flexibility in aligning with the parent company's strategies and resources. South Korea also played a "quasi-strategic leader" role by providing the parent company with crucial business insights into the Northeast Asian market.
    (3)In the cases of Japan and Australia: The host country strategy holds high importance, yet no subsidiaries have been established. MNE parents can sustain expansion using distribution models while awaiting opportune moments to identify suitable local professional managers or reliable joint venture partners. Subsequent resource allocation allows for entry into the "black hole" in the "generic subsidiary roles," contributing to the MNE's global expansion efforts.
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