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    Title: 骨科創傷植入物引進台灣的銷售模式探討
    A study on sales models of Taiwan introduced orthopedic trauma implants
    Authors: 楊家輝
    Yang, Chia-Hui
    Contributors: 宋皇志
    Sung, Huang-Chih
    Yang, Chia-Hui
    Keywords: 骨科植入物
    orthopedic traumatic implants
    Porter's 5 Forces
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-03-01 11:56:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文研究主題是探討骨科創傷植入物,在高度重複且競爭的台灣環境中,找出產品優勢以及獲利的契機,由於台灣醫療法規日趨嚴格且繁雜,新產品引進曠日廢時,並且尚需投入許多等待時間和行銷成本,在如何利用公司現有基礎上,找出新產品線,增加管道來獲利,強化公司本身競爭優勢。
    The research theme of this thesis is to explore orthopedic traumatic implants. In the highly repetitive and competitive Taiwanese environment, find out the product advantages and opportunities for profit. Due to the increasingly strict and complicated medical regulations in Taiwan, the introduction of new products takes a long period of time. And still need to invest a lot of waiting period and marketing costs, on how to use the company's existing foundation to find out new product lines, increase channels to make profits, and strengthen the company's own competitive advantages.
    This study will analyze the characteristics, trends, scale, and existing overall operating conditions, operating risks, and profit-making methods of the case company's industry, using SWOT and five-force analysis to develop new product sales models, and use external interviews and health insurance. The statistics released by the Administration are used to predict the future market size and profit performance.
    The results of this study show that the use of Porter's five forces analysis and expert interviews (5F+e) can improve the post-market success rate of orthopedic trauma implants and is also applicable to other categories of products regulated by the Department of Health.
    This study hopes to provide companies in the orthopedic medical implant industry in the Taiwan market, providing fast and effective strategic goals and profitability performance after market analysis.
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