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    Title: 探討以英語為外語教師對線上教學之焦慮感知
    Exploring EFL Teachers’ Perceptions of Anxiety Towards Online Teaching
    Authors: 蔡雅惠
    Tsai, Ya-Hui
    Contributors: 陳怡蓁

    Chen, Yi-Chen
    Chung, Siaw-Fong

    Tsai, Ya-Hui
    Keywords: 以英語為外語教學
    EFL teaching
    Online teaching
    Perceived technology anxiety
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:49:22 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究聚焦在台灣以英語為外語(EFL)教師因應嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎期間調整為線上教學過程所經歷的科技焦慮感知。本研究以兩個關鍵問題為引導,首先,了解台灣英語教師在線上教學中科技引起的焦慮程度,並調查此焦慮感知如何影響線上教學體驗;其次是探討產生的教育意涵。研究中透過問卷和統計分析審視各種關鍵指標,確定教師的科技焦慮感知(PTA)與科技使用的態度(ATU)、行為意圖(BI)、便利條件(FC)、網路品質(IQ)、操作容易性(PEU)、操作有用性(PU)、科技複雜性(TC)和科技品質(TQ)變因的關聯。研究結果顯示,正向使用態度、強烈行為意圖與較低的科技焦慮感知有關聯。改進便利條件、網路品質、操作有用性和容易性可減少焦慮。但科技複雜性增加會引起焦慮。性別、年齡、教學年級和地理位置增添了教育與科技整合挑戰的複雜性。線上教學同時面臨學生參與度和電腦熟練程度的困境。這項研究著重在因嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎對台灣英語教師及相關焦慮的深遠影響。透過揭開科技引起的焦慮,此研究幫助教師更加了解持續變化的線上教學並提供因應對策。
    The study focuses on the technology anxiety experienced by Taiwanese EFL teachers during online instruction, concentrating on their approaches to the difficulties brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. This research is guided by two key questions: first, to find out to what extent Taiwanese EFL teachers identify technological anxiety in online teaching and investigate how this perceived anxiety affects online teaching experiences; second, to explore its educational implications. Employing questionnaire survey and statistical analysis, the study scrutinizes various key variables. It identifies correlations between the perceived technology anxiety (PTA) of teachers and their attitudes toward technology (ATU), perceived ease of use (PEU), behavioral intentions (BI), Internet quality (IQ), perceived usefulness (PU), technology quality (TQ), technology complexity (TC), and facilitating conditions (FC). The findings suggests that positive ATU and strong BI correlate with lower PTA, while improved FC, IQ, PU, and PEU also reduce PTA. However, increased TC raises anxiety. Gender, age, teaching grade, and geographical location add complexities to technology integration challenges in education, while online teaching faces major difficulties related to student engagement and computer proficiency. This research emphasizes the profound impact of the pandemic on the teaching profession and its associated anxiety. By shedding light on the dynamics of technology-induced anxiety, this study helps teachers in understanding the ever-changing online education and gives applicable techniques.
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