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    Title: 情緒教育課程對幼兒情緒表達的影響—以幼兒繪畫為例
    The Effects of an Emotion Education Curriculum on the Emotion Expression of Preschool Children– Using Preschoolers Drawings as Examples
    Authors: 黃宇薇
    Huang, Yu-Wei
    Contributors: 傅如馨
    Fu, Ru-Xin
    Huang, Yu-Wei
    Keywords: 幼兒
    preschool children
    Emotional Education Curriculum
    Emotional Expression
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:43:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 情緒表達是一種與社會互動的重要能力,因為適時的表達能讓人了解自己的 感受及想法,更是幼兒成長過程中重要的學習。
    本研究旨在藉由情緒教育課程的實施,不同媒材的使用讓幼兒對情緒的認識 有不同的感受以及體悟,並透過行動研究對台北市某幼兒園的中班 22 位幼兒進 行一個月共 9 次,包括前後測的情緒教育課程,歸納班級老師的訪談、研究者 入班觀察及後測中幼兒的繪畫作品及自述內容變化的整理,理解情緒教育課程之 實施對幼兒情緒表達的影響。
    1. 情緒教育課程實施的過程中,幼兒平日在處理問題時學習表達出自己的感 受,並學習表達出除了開心、不開心以外的其他情緒。
    2. 經一個月情緒教育課程之後測與前測之對比,幼兒在繪畫作品中顏色的使用 豐富度提高、畫作作品中顏色的使用開始與情緒進行連結,且幼兒開始將作 品中的主體轉移到自己身上,在後測的自述內容中,增加故事性及情緒詞彙。
    3. 經過一個月情緒教育課程之後,幼兒開始對情緒有了好奇,會主動想認識不 同情緒的意思以及出現原因,並使用所學的情緒處理方法來面開始面對自己 的負面情緒。
    Emotional expression is a crucial ability in social interactions, as timely expression enables individuals to communicate their feelings and thoughts, especially during the important learning process of early childhood. This study aims to explore the impact of implementing an emotional education curriculum, utilizing various media to evoke different emotional experiences and insights in preschool children. Through action research, a one-month emotional education program consisting of nine sessions, including pre-and post-tests, was conducted with 22 children in the middle class of a kindergarten in Taipei. The study involved summarizing interviews with class teachers, researcher observations, and analyzing changes in children's drawings and self- narratives after the program, aiming to understand the influence of the emotional education curriculum on children's emotional expression.
    The findings from the implementation of the emotional education curriculum through action research are as follows:
    1. During the implementation of the emotional education program, children learned to express their feelings when dealing with problems and to articulate emotions beyond just happiness or unhappiness.
    2. A comparison between post-tests and pre-tests after one month of emotional education revealed an increased richness in the use of colors in children's drawings. The use of colors in artworks began to connect with emotions, and children started incorporating themselves as subjects in their drawings. In the post-test self- narratives, there was an increase in storytelling and emotional vocabulary.
    3. After one month of emotional education, children developed a curiosity about emotions, actively seeking to understand the meanings and causes of different emotions. They also began using the learned emotional coping methods to face their negative emotions.
    In conclusion, the researcher provides recommendations for future research and teaching guidance based on the above results.
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