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    Title: 全球傳染病之衝擊回復力研究
    Research on National Pandemic Resilience
    Authors: 傅靖軒
    Fu, Jing–Syuan
    Contributors: 李沛錞
    Lee, Pei-Chun
    Fu, Jing–Syuan
    Keywords: 衝擊回復力
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:39:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 永續發展著眼於未來,注重未來延續性,以兼顧地球生態資源、社會問題及經濟成長為目標,為當世重要發展理念。而衝擊回復力理論重視系統的適應性,認為系統能夠透過適應改變達成永續,透過強化系統的衝擊回復力能夠幫助系統更快速的適應改變,以降低改變對系統造成的影響,進而達成永續發展目標。因此,本研究旨於以衝擊回復力為視角,從衝擊回復力之預期、應對、重新調整三大階段,並以Covid-19 全球傳染病衝擊為例,運用個案研究法,以臺灣為個案:(1)建構國家層級之全球傳染病衝擊回復力指標;(2)提供臺灣提升面對全球傳染病之衝擊回復力建議,幫助臺灣以全面且具體的架構,評估與提升臺灣在面對全球傳染病時的衝擊回復力,以降低未來再次面對全球傳染病衝擊時所受之影響。

    Sustainable development is crucial for the future. It involves finding a balance between economic, social, and environmental factors to ensure that development is not only efficient but also responsible and enduring. Within the realm of sustainability science, the concept of ‘resilience’ holds paramount significance. It encapsulates the capacity of systems to adapt to change, and persist in the face of disturbances. By emphasizing a system's ability to absorb shocks and navigate challenges, resilience thinking has become essential in guiding strategies for sustainable development. Examining the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic with Taiwan as a case study, this research integrates insights from past resilience definitions, frameworks, and development theories, highlighting three key resilience phases: ‘Anticipatory’, ’Responsive’, and ‘Readjustment’. This study aims to: (1) Development of a National Pandemic Resilience Indicator. (2) Provision of targeted recommendations to enhance Taiwan's resilience in the face of pandemic impacts.

    This research endeavors to offer practical tools and strategic insights to enhance Taiwan's capacity to effectively navigate and mitigate challenges arising from health crises. The Pandemic Resilience Indicator constructed in this study, during the resilience phases, offers specific indicator specifications for: (1) Anticipatory phase, addressing pre-impact risk assessment, non-pharmaceutical intervention mechanisms, and information exchange channels; (2) Responsive phase, presenting reference indicators for (1) information interpretation and (2) application of non-pharmaceutical interventions when the impact occurs; and (3) Readjustment phase, proposing a systematic framework for reflection after the impact concludes.
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