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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/149637

    Title: 國家能力對民主鞏固之影響:臺灣與俄羅斯之比較研究
    The Impact of State Capacity on Democratic Consolidation: A Comparative Study of Taiwan and Russia
    Authors: 陳貞翔
    Chen, Chen-Hsiang
    Contributors: 黃兆年
    Huang, Jaw-Nian
    Chen, Chen-Hsiang
    Keywords: 國家能力
    State capacity
    Government effectiveness
    Rule of law
    Democratic consolidation
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:37:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 臺灣與俄羅斯約莫同時開啟自由化改革,然而2000年代之後,臺灣的民主發展卻明顯優於俄羅斯,而俄羅斯卻成為全球民主逆流中的重要案例,此二國家的差異值得進一步分析。另一方面,有關國家能力的探討在晚近以國家為研究對象的發展研究中變得愈來愈熱門,但當前文獻對於國家能力如何影響民主鞏固的探討卻仍有所不足。本文主張國家能力對於一個國家的民主鞏固是不可或缺的條件,其中國家能力指標中的政府效能及法治更是缺一不可。為了予以驗證,本文以文獻分析與比較個案研究的方式,探討俄羅斯與臺灣在政治變遷的不同階段中國家能力與民主鞏固程度的相應變化,進而針對俄羅斯與臺灣的經驗進行比較研究。其中有關國家能力與民主鞏固程度的衡量方式,本文主要參考世界銀行的世界治理治標(Worldwide Governance Indicators, WGI)指標以及Robert Dahl的多元政體標準。本文不僅能解釋兩國差異的主要因素,亦有助於增進對國家能力與民主鞏固之關係的理解,進而在理論與政策上有所貢獻。
    Taiwan and Russia started the liberalization reforms around the same time. However, since the 2000s, Taiwan's democratic development has surpassed that of Russia, which has become an important case of democratic backsliding in the globe. The differences between these two countries deserve further analysis. Besides, state capacity has become increasingly popular in recent develoment studies on the role of the state, while the existing literature still lacks sufficient understanding of the impact of state capacity on democratic consolidation. This thesis argues that state capacity is necessary for a country's democratic consolidation while two indicators of state capacity, government effectiveness and the rule of law, are the most essential ones. To support this argument, the thesis uses literature analysis and comparative case study to explore the corresponding changes in state capacities and the situation of democratic consolidation in Russia and Taiwan during different periods, comparing the experiences of Russia and Taiwan. To measure the situations of state capacity and democratic consolidation, this thesis uses the World Bank's Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) and Robert Dahl's criteria for polyarchy. This thesis not only explains the main factors which cause the differences between Taiwan and Russia but also provides a better understanding of the relationship between state capacity and democratic consolidation, thereby having theoretical and policy contributions.
    Reference: 中文部分








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