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    Title: 越南女性婚姻移民Youtuber現象分析:從吃播到群體認同和數位姐妹情誼
    Vietnamese Female Marriage Immigrant YouTubers: From Eating Broadcasts to Manifesting Social Identity and Online Sisterhood on Social Media
    Authors: 陳黃孝草
    Tran, Hoang Hieu Thao
    Contributors: 葉嘉炘
    Yeh, Chia-Hsin
    Tran, Hoang Hieu Thao
    Keywords: 社會認同理論
    Social Identity Theory
    Digital Media Representation
    Immigrant Identity
    Mukbang Content Analysis
    Vietnamese Diaspora
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:34:01 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文聚焦於越南女性婚姻移民YouTubers所呈現的形象及其與越南女性移民社會認同的相關性,這些YouTubers大多使用母語,來為跨國僑民社群製作以食物為主題的影片。 近來,這些YouTubers迅速走紅,引發公眾廣泛的關注,但對此一現象的學術探討和分析卻相對較少,因此 本研究檢驗了兩個具體的研究問題:(i) 越南女性移民如何看待這些越南女性婚姻移民YouTubers,以及(ii) 她們又是如何看待這些YouTube影響者的Mukbang(吃播)影片。

    為了探討越南女性移民如何看待YouTube上同樣也身為越南女性婚姻移民的網紅及其製作的吃播視頻,本論文採用實驗法來進行研究,主要針對越南女性移民對這些網紅的看法來進行分析探討。最後一共有39名越南女性移民參與了此次30-40分鐘的實驗研究,實驗內容主要來自居住在日本和韓國的三位熱門越南女性移民YouTubers(YewonTV、QuynhTranJP和Ba Nhan Vlog)頻道中的四部影片,四部影片由兩項自變數所構成,即食物類型與敘述主題,食物類型分別為原籍國(越南)和移居國(韓國或日本)的美食,影片的敘述主題則為美食本身的故事和她們在移居國的生活瑣事。


    The thesis focuses on the perceived image of the Vietnamese female marriage immigrant YouTubers who produce food-based videos in their mother tongue for a transnational diaspora community and its correlation with the social identity of Vietnamese female immigrants. Those YouTubers’ rise to stardom has caught the public's attention recently but has been hardly discussed and analyzed. Two particular research questions are examined: (i) how Vietnamese female immigrants perceive the Vietnamese female marriage immigrant YouTubers and (ii) how they perceive those YouTube influencers' Mukbang (Eating Broadcast) videos.

    To explore how the Vietnamese female marriage immigrant influencers on YouTube and their Mukbang videos are viewed by their fellow ethnic members, the thesis includes an experiment-based study. It collects responses from Vietnamese female immigrants on their perception of the Vietnamese female marriage immigrant influencers on YouTube. A total of 39 Vietnamese female immigrants were asked to participate in a 30-40 minutes experimental study in which they watched four videos generated from the channels of three popular Vietnamese female immigrant YouTubers living in Japan and Korea (YewonTV, QuynhTranJP and Ba Nhan Vlog). The food choices in the videos offered to participants were a combination of the food of the origin country (Vietnam) and the host country (Korea or Japan). The topics of narration in these videos were chosen to be either about the food they are eating or about a particular story about their life in the host country.

    The experiment employed a pre- and post-test model to evaluate changes in participants' levels of national identity, collective identity, and collective self-esteem following exposure to videos produced by Vietnamese female marriage immigrant YouTubers. These social identity levels were measured using the Revised Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (MEIM-R), the AGCC Scale, the Group Identification Scale, the Inclusion of Others in the Self (IOS) Scale, and the Collective Self-Esteem Scale. Participants' perceptions of the Vietnamese female marriage immigrant YouTubers and their content, including the origin of food and types of narrations in the Mukbang videos, were measured using tailored scales. It was expected that exposure to the videos would enhance participants' national identity, strengthen their collective group identity, and enhance overall collective self-esteem. Other predictions included a reduction in self-stereotyping, increased perceptions of social mobility, and a greater tendency to use ethnic language on social media. Additionally, the narration styles in the Mukbang videos were anticipated to have a more substantial impact on participants' perceptions than the origin of the food featured.

    The findings reveal a predominantly negative perception of these YouTubers among Vietnamese female immigrants, challenging the notion that immigrant digital media creators automatically foster positive social identity and community connection. The results indicated that exposure to the stories about the Vietnamese female marriage immigrant YouTubers and the media content they produced did not significantly enhance the co-ethnic female immigrants' national or collective identity or self-esteem. Instead, the results indicated an increase in self-stereotyping, a decreased perception of social mobility, and a decline in ethnic language use post-exposure to the Mukbang videos. Furthermore, the study found that viewers were more interested in the foods presented in the videos than the stories about the YouTubers themselves, suggesting a clear preference for content that focuses on culinary exploration over personal narratives in the Mukbang video genre.
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