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    Title: 每天參加一場記者會:疫情下的媒介化日常
    A Press Conference a Day: Mediatization of Everyday Life during the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Authors: 涂葦慈
    Tu, Wei-Tzu
    Contributors: 劉慧雯
    Liu, Hui-Wen
    Tu, Wei-Tzu
    Keywords: 媒介化
    communicative figurations
    media loops
    live streaming
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:28:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 新冠病毒蔓延在無處不媒介的時代,為時三年,它將台灣防疫官員、新聞記者與廣大觀眾匯聚,在每天下午「參加」一場記者會。本文以媒介化理論的「社會文化-技術」視角為史觀,視「數位社群與傳統新聞媒體交織下的疫情記者會直播」為傳播形定,期許記下一段「台灣本土脈絡下,與媒介、疫病、日常生活有關的傳播當代史」,探析作為不同社會角色的個人、組織如何匯集於疫情記者會這一傳播溝通活動,以及人們如何經驗、感知、想像參加記者會的時日,並為疫情下的媒介化日常賦予意義。

    Over three years, the COVID-19 pandemic has invited Taiwan CDC, journalists, and the public to “participate in” a daily press conference every afternoon. This study, utilizing the social-technical perspective of the mediatization theory, sees the "live streaming of the CDC press conferences intertwined with digital communities and traditional news media" as a communicative figuration. The goal is to write down a segment of the "contemporary communication history in the context of Taiwan's local circumstances, related to mediatization, epidemic, and everyday life." The study explores how individuals and organizations converge in the communicative activity of CDC press conferences and how people experience, perceive, and imagine the days of participating in these conferences, ultimately assigning meaning to the mediatized daily life during the pandemic.

    Drawing on anthropological methods, this research involves participant observation and in-depth interviews with 15 viewers of the CDC press conference live broadcasts on YouTube. The study provides a thick description of the communicative figuration during different epidemic stages. First, the study finds that the mediatized daily life during the epidemic results from actors engaging in communicative practices for various purposes. It also represents the intricate interweaving of media logic with other societal and cultural logics, such as public health, news, politics, and business. Second, the live chat room, fueled by platform mechanisms, becomes a speech space filled with emotions where the channel manager and the commenting actors develop various practices within the chaotic chat room, involving mutual communication and confrontation. Finally, in different epidemic conditions and social contexts, small events originating from press conferences and new media evolve from consensus in the first year to non-consensus over time. The transformation is reflected in media loops and pseudo-event co-creation, embodying enduring political features and media culture in Taiwan.
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