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    Title: 兒童福利院的類家庭模式中跨專業協作之研究: 以北京市 A 兒童福利院為例
    Interprofessional Collaboration in a Family-like Model in Residential Child Care: A Case Study of Child Welfare Institute A in Beijing
    Authors: 劉冰妍
    Liu, Bing-Yan
    Contributors: 林宜輝
    Lin, Yei-Whei
    Liu, Bing-Yan
    Keywords: 類家庭
    Family-like care
    Inter-professional collaboration
    Child welfare home
    Parent-like caregivers
    Social worker
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:28:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 1990 年迄今,中國的孤兒照顧已進入蓬勃發展階段。政府開始對兒童福利 制度大力改革,並增設更多福利院,以給予孤兒心理發展、社會適應、經濟困難 更多的支持。在這樣的政策背景下,「類家庭」(Family-like)養育模式開始在全 國推廣。其中,孤兒被分配至不同的家庭,彼此作為兄弟姐妹共同生活。而每個 家庭也分配有專業人員作為父母,以「類家長」的身份為兒童提供生活照顧。此 一模式突破了以往機構集中照顧方式,得以更家庭化氛圍給兒童創建更全面個性 化的生活體驗。然而,如何更有效整合福利院內各專業人員與資源,以創造一個 更整合的服務模式,已成近年來完善中國兒童福利體系中最優先的事項。
    本論文主要以北京市某福利院為研究對象,嘗試了解其各專業人員在類家庭 背景下所展開協作服務情況。因此本研究目的便在探究其中可能存在的協作動態 及協作中可能面臨的各項挑戰。研究者進而也會思考各成員可如何在未來團隊協 作中發揮更積極的作用。本論文已採用質性研究的方法,並以立意取樣的方式, 對協作團隊中的六位專業人員(類家長、社工師、護理師、辦公室主任)進行訪 談。對於研究資料,研究者也以主題分析的方法進行分析。
    本研究發現,所研究的福利院中確實存在協作服務模式,但目前仍未達到制 度化模式的要求。這意味每次協作型態可能並不固定。有關協作服務的契機通常 發生在兩種情況:其一是在面臨專業性較強的問題和發生突發緊急事件時。另一 情況則發生在同事間經驗交流、技能培訓與共同合作文宣行政工作中。至於目前 協作服務常面臨的挑戰主要體現在以下五個議題上:協作前缺少準備、溝通和信 任度;業務的繁忙造成協作的壓力與負面情緒;協作毫無程序或面臨過於複雜程 序的問題;專業價值觀和實踐的衝突;協作成員的性格有較大差異。至於在成員 對未來團隊協作期待上,大部分專業人員有關改革共識會在提升自我的專業能力 與知識、與團隊成員多了解與交流。除外,也有部分成員希望能夠保持良好積極 態度面對工作、並更主動的推進協作乃至可納入更多不同專業的優秀人才與提升 管理者能力等。最後,為了追求更順暢高效的協作,本研究會建議在協作前,各 成員應明確個人服務理念,肯定自身價值,培養團隊默契,做好充分的協作準備。而在協作過程中,本研究者也認為成員應為團隊工作梳理清晰的程序,各部門間 也應努力化解專業衝突,並加強彼此溝通交流,如此才能創造更積極包容的氛圍, 更具有主動性、反思性的團隊。當然現有管理者也應加強自身管理團隊的能力。
    Since 1990, orphan care in China has entered a phase of dynamic development. The government began a major reform of the child welfare system, and more orphanages were established to provide orphans with more support for their psychological development, social adaptation, and financial difficulties. Against this backdrop, the family-like care model began spreading nationwide. In this model, orphans are assigned to different families and live with each other as siblings. Each family is assigned a caregiver who provides care for the child in a parent-like way. This model is a breakthrough from the previous centralised institutional care approach. It allows for a more family-oriented atmosphere to create a more comprehensive and personalised living experience for the children. However, in recent years, how to more effectively mobilise welfare institutions' professional staff and resources to create a more integrated service model has become a top priority in improving the child welfare system in China.
    This thesis focuses on an orphanage in Beijing and tries to understand the collaborative services provided by its professional staff in a family-like setting. This thesis aims to explore the possible dynamics and challenges of collaboration services. The researcher will also consider how team members can play a more active role in teamwork in the future. This study has adopted a qualitative research method and interviewed six professionals (i.e., parental caregivers, one social worker, one nurse and the chief manager) in the collaborative team using purposive sampling. For the collected data, the researcher also employed a thematic analysis method.
    This study found that collaborative service patterns do exist in the welfare homes studied, but they are not yet at the level of an institutionalised pattern. This means that the type of collaboration may not be fixed from time to time. Opportunities for collaborative service delivery usually occurred in two situations: one was in the face of highly specialised problems and sudden emergencies. The other occurs during experience-sharing, skills training and joint administrative work among colleagues. Challenges to collaborative services are mainly in the following five areas: lack of preparation, communication and trust before collaboration; stress and negative emotions caused by busy business; lack of procedures or problems with complicated procedures; conflict between professional values and practices; and significant differences in the personalities of collaborators. As for members' expectations of future teamwork, most professionals agreed that the reform would enhance their professional competence and knowledge and allow them to have more understanding and exchanges with their team members. In addition, some members hope to maintain a good and positive attitude towards their work, to be more proactive in promoting collaboration, to include more talented people from different professions, and to enhance the competence of managers. Lastly, to pursue a smoother and more efficient collaboration, we suggest that before collaboration, members should clarify their personal service concepts, recognise their own values, cultivate team tacit understanding, and prepare for collaboration. In the collaboration process, the researchers also believe that members should organise clear procedures for teamwork, and departments should try to resolve professional conflicts and enhance communication with each other to create a more positive and tolerant atmosphere and a more proactive and reflective team. Existing managers should also strengthen their own team management skills.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108264019
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