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    Title: 克拉運河的失敗:中國能源戰略與賽局理論分析
    The Failure of Kra Canal: Energy Strategy of China and a Game Theory Approach
    Authors: 劉兆恆
    Liu, Chao Heng
    Contributors: 李佳怡
    Lee, Chia Yi
    Liu, Chao Heng
    Keywords: 克拉運河
    Kra Canal
    China-Thailand Relations
    Energy Security
    Game Theory
    Date: 2024
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:24:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   能源在地理上分布非常不均勻,集中性相當高,因此討論能源的過程中不可避免會觸及到的議題就是國際政治上的互動。而在能源的討論過程中,以能源安全為其中一項重要之申論主題,因為唯有確保能源有足夠且穩定的供給,才能夠維持國家正常運作。中國因發展速度超越國內之能源供給,必須大量進口能源,加上能源多從西亞經由麻六甲海峽運抵中國,因此解決麻六甲困境成為保障中國能源安全的首要目標。克拉運河作為解決隱患的重要手段,但是卻無法順利建設,因此本文企圖探究其原因。
    Energy is distributed unevenly and concentrated; thus, it’s impossible to ignore the involvement of international politics while discussing energy issues. Since ensuring sufficient energy supply is the only way to guarantee the well-functioning of a nation, energy security is one of the most focused aspects of energy issues. Ever since China emerged as a net energy importer, the Malacca Dilemma became the top priority to warrant its energy security. Among solutions to avoid the Malacca Dilemma, the failure of Kra Canal is listed as the main topic of this research.
    The mixed research method is applied to this thesis, which includes strategic form games and case studies. We intend to explain the reasons why the Kra Canal is abandoned given its ideal strategic status.
    By understanding national interests from the Realism point of view, we constructed a game theory model of strategic interactions between Thailand and China and discovered that it points to 3 different Nash Equilibriums. One of the Nash Equilibriums matched the real-world evolution and directly proved the ability of game theory to analyze international relations.
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