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    Title: 「人治」或「法治」:中共黨軍結構與制度化趨向之研究
    “Rule of Man” or “Rule of Law”: A study of the structure and institutionalization trends between the Communist Party of China and the People’s Liberation Army
    Authors: 馬順隆
    Ma, Shun-Long
    Contributors: 魏 艾
    Wei, Ai
    Ma, Shun-Long
    Keywords: 黨軍關係
    Party-Military relationship
    the Party leading the Army
    structural balance
    control and autonomy
    institutionalized commanding leadership
    Date: 2023
    Issue Date: 2024-02-01 11:23:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文研究意旨係基於共黨政權本質-「共產黨的領導地位」(the leading Role of the Communist Party)之統治原則,在面對領導人主要權力來源的轉變及軍事專業主義的自主性提升,軍隊可否在黨的控制範圍內發展;設若軍隊採以「利益團體」的觀點,表達其自主性立場,黨的控制機制究否可以保證軍隊的受控性。
    The purpose of the dissertation is rooted in the nature of the Communist Party’s ruling principle, known as “the leading Role of the Communist Party.” This dissertation aims to address several questions, including: facing changes in the main sources of leadership power as well asthe emergence of military professionalism, whether thePeople’s Liberation Army (PLA)’s autonomy can be enhanced while being under the Communist Party of China (CPC)’s control. Assuming that the military asserts its autonomous position through the perspective of “interest groups,” whether the CPC’s control mechanisms can effectively ensure the controllability of the PLA.
    This dissertation investigates the process of power interaction between the CPC and the PLA, seeking to explore constituent components of the party-military interactive mechanism. Particularly, during the process of power changes and decision-making of the Communist Party regime, it is easy forunequal power control and an unstable regime structure to arise, thereby making the PLA a key force in shaping the political structure. As such, the instant recognition and support of the military are critical. Borrowing insights from equilibrium relationship theory, with the inclusion of variables such as leaders’ dilemma and institutionalized leadership, this dissertation examines the interplay between competition and cooperation, and power dynamics between the party and its military, as well as the behavioral adaptation and role reconstruction on both sides.
    This dissertation is dedicated to exploring the evolution and development of the interactive pattern of “control” and “autonomy” between the CPC and the PLA. From the perspective of military professionalism, this thesis takes the transformative separation of generations, along with institutional reform swithin the system as the analytical framework. It focuses on the corresponding nexus between the “Red” (Hong, i.e., Communist-minded) dimension of revolutionary ideology and political control and the “Professional” (Zhuan, i.e., professionally- competent) dimension of military professionalism and autonomy.
    This dissertation finds that facing the political attachment and structural integrity of the party and it smilitary, the “Red” element of politicized control and the “Professional” element of specialized autonomy have exerted significantin fluences on the conventional symbiotic model between the CPC and PLA. Given the authority and legitimacy of the CPC’s institutionalized commanding leadership, it remains imperative for the Party to win the military’s support in particular events and related policy issues, thus ultimately forming a competitive-cooperativebut balanced party-military relationship.
    At present, in comparison to Xi Jinping’s military unification model, the personalized centralization of power, following the Maoist-style struggle,is incompatible with the reform of the leadership system that prioritizes “responsibility.” Given power political uncertainties that transcend the institution, it is essential to lean more towards the institutional dimension. This involves strengthening the institution to amend systemic flaws and, ultimately consolidating and promoting the effectiveness of commanding leadership.
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